Learn game development and animations with Construct
Since there are some questions about Intel XDK alternatives, I will post a simplified method to compile your projects using Cordova with Crosswalk directly inst...
So recently I was making a prototype for a game I've been thinking about, and when I got to actually adding animation layering, I ran into a big problem; You ca...
There are many name types that you can choose for a game which will all having different effects, here are some of them. A literal title makes it easy to find o...
This is my course on how to make a Pixel Platformer! It is over 2.5 hours long! You can check out the first 10 lectures on YouTube HERE! Below is the first lect...
I have just written a capx to display the mobiles orientation, the capx is fully commented. It uses the touch.Alpha, touch.Beta and touch.Gamma to find if the u...
Nguyễn thanh phong xin chào các bạn nhỏ! ^^. Vinacenmaster:D.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create your own Highscores for your games, using your own free server / database. Let's go! Here's an example of how the...
Construct 2 pozwala w łatwy sposób na zrobienie zapisów gry. One Umożliwiają graczom zapisać grę, a następnie wrócić później I załadować ją dokładnie tam, gdzie...
Here's an example of grid-based movement with C2's tilemap object. Using a tilemap layer for collision checks makes it really easy to work with the grid. C2 giv...