Learn game development and animations with Construct
I have made a simple match 2 / Pair match game for beginners. It is made in just 19 events. Object : Touch, 1 Sprite, Function, 4 global variables. There's poss...
Ideas on how to keep your app/game safe from hackers. What this tutorial Is'nt. Complete instructions on how to implement any of these ideas. A number of years...
A quick, simple and dirty way of tracking the users of your project with one simple event in Construct. It assumes you have access to a MySQL database (most hos...
This is a simple tutorial that can help you understanding LocalStorage., When The first time I learn about LocalStorage I found it sooo Hard to Understand. Beca...
Uma demanda comum dos usuários é customizar a tela de loading do Construct 2. Isso pode ser feito usando um layout de carregamento (Loader Layout), o qual é um...
Biasanya setiap Game harus bisa dimainkan disemua ukuran layar. Beda Hp beda ukuran layar, belum lagi Tablet dan Komputer yang layarnya juga bermacam-macam. Mes...
In this part 2 we are going to add communication between Entities (creature). There are many ways one can add these Entities. I will show you simple way after t...
Declare 4 variables and call them at every tick. Create a function as shown below. Call the above function with button click and format the colors and text as p...
Muitos de vocês perguntam Shiva como você começa a criar o seu jogo? De onde você parte? Você começa desenhando o primeiro nível com o jogador e adiciona os obj...