Learn game development and animations with Construct
The tutorial Memory Game with the characters of One Piece aims to teach Internet users to create a memory game with characters from the One Piece using Construc...
В этом руководстве вы узнаете как создавать таблицы рекордов для ваших игр используя собственный сервер и базу данных. Поехали! - Ваша Construct 2 игра. - Серве...
Hola, en este tutorial vamos a ver como hice el juego de saltos sin fin. Con un poco de imaginación se puede hacer un divertido juego. Aquí os dejo las piezas b...
Make Hi, in this tutorial we'll see how I made endless jumping game. With a little imagination you can make a fun game. Here you have the basic pieces that I us...
This tutorial will show you how to create a simple menu that has basic save and load functions that can be named by typing in the keyboard. This system was desi...
Although the things covered in this tutorial are not hard to do, I wouldn't suggest using Firebase to anyone who's not familiar with Construct 2. First, you nee...
Construct 2 is a great tool for developing games of all sizes, but I find it particularly well suited for creating small, simple, pick-up-and-play games, where...
It's very important to test and debug the game as long as possible. But how to test InApp Products without getting charge? Well it's pretty simple. Firstly you...
If you HAVE PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED an Android-Crosswalk app built with CLI 4.1.2 or earlier to an Android store this change may impact your ability to publish a n...