Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
What a game designer needs to know?
Many abilities can be useful for a game designer, some of which we can’t even imagine. One example is the study about typography that Jobs has done and ended up...
Animation Control - Event Based
Lately I have noticed, that animation control is often asked subject in the "How to"'s. Most of the time - just like I did - people stumble over the strange beh...
View your framerate
If you're using Google Chrome, it's possible to view the framerate of your game. To turn on this option, go to the following url: Chrome://flags/. Scroll to the...
On Screen Touch Controls For Button Games
If your a newbie to C2 then this will probably be a hard task for you until you read around or post a thread asking about it. How To Do It: Basically what you h...
Pump up your platform game
Warning : This post isn't a programmation post , it is just on how you can pump up your platform game. Let's start by the player. Power-ups : You can add random...
Diffuse text in a Textbox
If you have a input textbox in your application, and you dont want people around you to see it, then you can use this technique! NOTE! This technique doesn't en...
How to make a twitter widget
Here is the preview link - Preview. Here is the exported folder - Exported Folder. Here is the capx - capx. To make this widget we need a few things first. - Th...
BulletTime: Charge Shot
Let's add some variety in our shooting. I mentioned in the another tutorial that a charge shot can do the trick. It can help change the timing, speed and accura...