Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
AI Inimigos Plataforma - 2/5/2015
O arquivo agora fixa a animação "Idle" não sendo alterada se a animação "Idle" não for ordenada primeiro nas animações do Inimigo. UPDATE - 2/5/2015. Eu sempre...
How to create a coin-based points display
Making a points display is infinitely easier than what you'd expect. For this tutorial, we're going to learn how we can set points in a game. Like how many poin...
Custom Array Plugin
Recently in my project I was looking to set Array instance variable but there was no such option for Array, so I made custom Array from default. This is my firs...
Realistic Pinball Physics With Demo
Realistic Pinball Physics With Demo. Ok so I have been pulling my hair out for a month working on a realistic pinball sandbox game that will allow users to desi...
Text Boxes (Video Tutorial)
For more videos and tutorials visit my blog. In this video I check one of the most overlooked plugins in Construct 2: The Text Box. I will provide some examples...