Learn game development and animations with Construct
Como todos ja sabem Construct 2 nao suporta modelos 3D, entao a unica maneira de criar um jogo que se pareca 3D é gerando imagens dos objetos 3D e usando-as com...
¿Alguna vez jugaste un juego que tenía un botín al azar cuando buscabas algo o matabas a un enemigo? Claro que sí, es una buena característica para tener en un...
In this video I have shown how to create infinite parallax scrolling background in just few steps. If you like this video. Then please subscribe my channel for...
In this video I explained that how do we make a scale and order system in game for players. Scale ( where they can drag one point of square shape and make it bi...
I have a trick to swap position of 2 sprites in Construct 2. You can check my capx for more details. If anyone have another idea to improve my example, I always...
A tradução deste artigo se deu por uma pesquisa que venho fazendo sobre geração procedural. Em breve um artigo estendido será publicado e colocarei o link aqui....
This is a free to use and modify CAPX for building your own Breakout style or Tile Busting games. This game uses just 43 events and I include a free to use mast...
**Today I'm gonna show you how to generate APK files without the need of an internet connection, and with only a simple click ! It will take you some time to se...
In this tutorial I want to introduce you into using the Photonplugin for Construct 2 from ExitGames. We gonna create a whole working game (very simplified of co...