Level Design in a Nutshell

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Published on 27 Jul, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

A. Introduction

A new mechanic will be introduced in this level. The player is given a safe place to learn the concept of this level. Notice that the flipping platform flips exactly at the momment mario leaves the ground, it prevents him to die. This will teaches you that next time you come accross flipping platforms, you should move carefully, so you won’t die.

Even if you fail to get there, no big deal, you won’t die anyway.

B. Development


After you know the basic mechanism, you will learn to master it.

No more excuses, if you fail, you die.

C. Twist

Add twist to the concept that surprises or challenge the player.

If you’re not prepared for id you’ll mess up and die. Twist will encourages you to think differently in order to pass it, which also greatly increase your mastery.

D. Conclusion

Give players a last chance to show off what they’ve learned to the end of the level.


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