Javascript for Begginers - Construct 3



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Published on 5 Sep, 2021. Last updated 7 Sep, 2021

Working With Texts

Change the colour of text to red , ( must be white initialy to work )

	textA = runtime.objects.A.getFirstInstance();
	textA.colorRgb = [1,0,0];

Now lets show some text from sprite.x that output the x position from the sprite

Dont forget to convert the variable to a string ( in this case n variable )

function Tick(runtime)
const player = runtime.objects.Sprite.getFirstInstance();
var abc = player.x
var n = abc.toString();
var textA = runtime.objects.A.getFirstInstance();
textA.text = n

Another Example of Normal usage of Text

const player = runtime.objects.Sprite.getFirstInstance();
var ab = "?"

const textA = runtime.objects.A.getFirstInstance();
textA.text = "Hello" + " How are you  " + ab
//output : Hello How are you ?

In the example bellow I create a txt file and imported it into project folder , I named the file to "myfile.txt" and I wrote in it " Hello World " , and it will be displayed in the text object

async function OnBeforeProjectStart(runtime)

	const textFileUrl = await runtime.assets.getProjectFileUrl("myfile.txt");
	const myTxt = runtime.objects.Text.getFirstInstance();
	const response = await fetch(textFileUrl);
	const fetchedText = await response.text();
myTxt.text = fetchedText
	runtime.addEventListener("tick", () => Tick(runtime));

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