Flashlight - Shadow Casting Plugin

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Published on 20 May, 2018. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019


Flashlight is a pay-for plugin soon to be available on the Scirra store (and Itch.io). It is designed to behave like a light source that casts shadows from Solid objects. It displays images and animations like a Sprite, but it detects overlapping Solids and clips the rendered image to make it look like it has shadows. The source of the light is the Flashlight Origin. Here's a quick demo:

If you've bought the plugin (thank you!) then this tutorial is designed to help you use all of its functions.


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  • any chance you'll bring this plugin to C3 Runtime?

  • Hello! I just looked into your work and im in love with the results. Unfortunately the plugin page on itch.io is not available anymore. Is there by chance any other option for me to buy this C2 Plugin from you? Best Regards :)

  • I can't find this plugin. Can you tell me where I can get it? (links do not work)

  • Hello! I wanted to buy your plugin, but I got the error "Failed to create PayPal payment (422)".

    I tried to buy it from Russia, and the guy is from Australia.

    Is it still possible to buy it now?

  • Bought the plugin on itchio. There is no .capx included with the demos ¿? .

    Also, there is no way to set shadow opacity? it not was mentioned as limitation. If possible, how?

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