Creating Isometric Pixel Art From Scratch

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Published on 11 Jun, 2013. Last updated 21 Mar, 2019

A Few Questions you may have

What application should I use?

There is no real right answer to this, many people will recommend THEIR favorite and what they're most comfortable with, so really I would suggest trying a couple out and seeing what works best for you. I will list a few applications below, some of which I don't use often.

Does it matter what application I use when following this tutorial?

No... You can follow along to this tutorial with a great deal of applications, there are however a few things that I will do, that may not work the same within your chosen application but I will be using FREE software so that anyone and everyone can follow along without having to worry about purchasing anything.

Do you take requests?

Well requesting tutorials for certain game art (pixel related) can't hurt, just send me a private message... I can't make any promises though.

Can you make video tutorials?

I have this planned, although right now it's easier for me to get some written tutorials out, if they get many views or good feedback I will likely start working on the video tutorials sooner than planned.

Now, that we have those questions out of the way. I know that a lot of people don't learn well from written tutorials and I will be preparing some graphics/visuals to help along the way as to try and maintain some interest as well as help me explain myself.


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