Construct 2 Tutorials
Learn game development and coding with Construct 2
NPCs Inimigos Parte 1 | 10# Vídeoaula
Bom dia, boa tarde ou talvez boa noite! Nessa decima vídeo-aula eu irei ensinar como fazer com que um NPC inimigo siga o personagem como faz o fantasma Boo do S...
Weather Effects
Start creating a Sprite or a Tiled Object with the same width as your SCREEN SIZE and in a separated layer. I'v name this object Tempo (time). Put the layer par...
Animated Tiles [ no plugins]
Yes, you hear me right! The main trick is a right name for your pic that you want to load. I make it like "icon-0" "icon-1" "icon-2".
Create a Pause Button - Part 2
Part 2 of Create a Pause Button. In this video we are going to add a few simple sprites to make our new pause menu really stick out. And, of course, in as few e...
Create a Pause Button
Learn how to create a functional Pause Button and a Pause Menu using only three events. Part 2 is here!
A Simple go to Layout trick with Family
This tutorial is for a simple go to layout trick that can help cuts down on having too many events specifying which layout to go to. 1) Create an a text object....
View More of Your Layout During Play
A quick tutorial on how to make it so you can see more of your layout when you play/test your game. Apologies if this is already done but I couldnt find a tutor...