Learn game development and coding with Construct 2
I remade a few beginner tutorials that were on here into video tutorials. Make sure to watch in full screen and in 1080p. Enjoy!
C2's Javascript SDK was the only way to run your custom JS codes and reflect the changes in C2. Although it's well documented and relatively easy to learn, I gu...
Here is a capx how to css style form elements. Learn by example. U need this 3rd part plugin to open capx. Or there's an alt2 capx whitout thr 3rd part plugin (...
A quick and dirty way to add an HTML element to your game. We'll be using the browser plugin & the button plugin for this example. -Give the button an id of my_...
I was thinking how to save current state in database, till now I was aware of string thru Ajax, so I was using "savejobs=" & URLEncode(savejobs). This method is...
Here's is a tutorial for simple circular/elliptical motion where r is the radius of the circle and the speed of rotation can be adjusted by a slider bar. Two sp...
With this tutorial I will attempt to show you how a game server for a turn-based game of tic-tac-toe can be set up through a python web framework - Web2py and w...
Hey users! This is how to create countdown timers. Creating User Interface. To start, add a "UI" layer. To make objects in this layer "float" set the properties...
Now, I will show you how to use my plugin to send a mail ;). - Go to and signup. When you're logged in : - Go to and create new API key. You will find your key...