Learn game development and coding with Construct 2
Here is a lighting tutorial I've always wanted to show to everyone!
Translating a game or an app can be boring and very dificult sometimes. Now, with the Transalte plugin, it's a bit easy ! First, download the project from githu...
Hey again everyone! Another tutorial on uploading and publishing your game to Kongregate. Enjoy!
I added in two sprite one max Y and one Min Y and place them where the top of the text scroll and the other max Y at the bottom edge of the text scroll. And the...
So you want to give your boss fight an 'umph' by shooting pieces off, mh? Well good thing you came here! I highlighted for you the indestructible (or very tedio...
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a good Isometric map for Construct 2. You will need : -3DS Max or a 3D program. -GIMP or Photoshop. -Tiled. First...
How to program twin-stick controls for your gamepad! HUGELY important for rotation the right analog.
Although the things covered in this tutorial are not hard to do, I wouldn't suggest using Firebase to anyone who's not familiar with Construct 2. First, you nee...
Finally we are coming to the final part of this series! To assembly everything and make it a Poptile game, we still need a critical function: Click remove. This...