Collapsing Block Tutorial — Part II: Community Edition

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Published on 16 Nov, 2022. Last updated 17 Jul, 2023

C2 Project Creation

With just a single click, we can create a new game project. (I'm assuming you've already read the about how to do that? If not, take just a few minutes and review how to set-up a new project.)

Let's begin with a "Blank New Project" ...

We're not finished just yet ... We should complete the project's meta data.

About Your Project

  • Project Name -- for internal staff references and your customer service. Don't surrender to the "Bad Habits" of Microsoft!! Don't use spaces. Use "under_scores" in the project name.
  • Version -- I use "Semantic Versioning (" and have encouraged all my students to do the same. Labeling version releases is NOT a new science! In fact, software engineers probably do something extremely close to this already. The problem that they're trying to solve is: "close" isn’t good enough. Without a compliance to some formal specification, versioning numbering is essentially useless for "dependency management". By giving a name -- and a clear policy to versioning ideas, it becomes easy to communicate your intentions to clients about your software. Once these intentions are expressed clearly, flexible dependency specifications (but not too flexible, mind you ...) can finally be achieved.
  • Description -- is a SHORT description of your project!
  • ID -- is used by "app stores" about your deployment. Yes! It is critical for those folks and uses a "reverse" DNS identification. Here's why! Domain names are registered as unique WORLD-WIDE! It is a unique identification -- just as your email address is unique within a domain name. Supplying a "reverse DNS" uniquely identifies your application world-wide by your registered domain name. It would be wise to have a registered domain name ( and website.

This is the end of the eBook Sample. Instructor may purchase the Workshop edition and earn commissions on student book sales and online course access.


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