Array-based inventory

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Published on 7 Jul, 2013. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Creating inventory in array

Let's create some items in our inventory array.

Add to the second slot 21 coins and to the fourth 3 apples just like there:

Your item ID must be item.animationframe + 1. In this case, apple will have ID = 1, as I said before.

Here comes the hardest part of this tutotial. I promise, will be easier further %)

Now we need to visually display our inventory.

For creating visual part Im using this algorithm:

(check for full size in attached files)

But all is not as difficult as it seems to ( or not :D )

What this algorithm does:

- Automatically creates a new line for your inventory slots. If you want 5 slots in one line and 10 slots total, it will automatically split it.

This formula is probably scariest thing throughout algorithm :

Let's examine it in more detail:

X = (((inventory.curx)-(sn(a-1)))ss)+tx

- inventory.curx - current X index in a For Each loop

- sn - number of slots in one line

- a - just some variable for calculating. It is increased by 1 each time when inventory.curx MOD (remainder of division of one number by another) sn = 0

- ss - slot size (32 + border between slots (2)) = 34

- tx - my algorithm is not perfect, it is necessary to subtract some number from the X and Y coordinates if you want to get true coordinates. tx and ty are this "some number" to subtract.

Here is formula to calculate tx variable:

This algorithm is fully exposed to criticism. I will be very happy to hear your feedback to improve its performance :S

So, at first, it creates an inventory slot and sets the values ​​of the variables according to the data in the array.

/ A small correction. Despite the fact that the inventory array starts at 0, the slot's ID we will start with 1. /

After, it checks for the object in the inventory by checking value at inventory.curx.

If its > 0, then object is exists and then it creates it.

That's why items ID are by 1 more than it's animation frame.

At the end, it checks if number of this item > 0. If it so, it also creates Text object.

It sets value item.number to number in the array and Text.text to item.number.


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