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SOLVED - How do I set player Y based on boolean?
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Hope you're doing great, hopefully you can give me a hint on this one, sounds super easy, but I have tried several methods without much luck. I would like to ma...

posted 2 years ago
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Destroy event randomly doesn’t change bool
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I have a really simple event that says when a stick is destroyed, look for the uid of its parent and set the parent’s HasStick event to false but it seems like...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I fix this Trigger once with family problem?
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As the picture show, I can't make this condition work when I change b back from "true" to "false", value a still be "true", it should be updated to false too. A...

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I'm trying to make a hotbar for a game and I want the item that has been bought to go to the nearest available hotbar slot. This hotbar slot has to have a false...

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How do I check if a boolean is on/off?
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Trying to make dotted blocks from mario for my platformer, can't seem to figure this out. Any help?

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Why doesn't the following evaluate expression work? "find(usage, "/") > 0" returns 1 in console log. And 1 should be "true" right? This doesn't trigger. There's...

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I have a problem whenever I leave my sheet the global variable keep resetting. So, on the third image. The variable "musik" starts at 0. And then on the fourth...

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Boolean variable only switches one-way [SOLVED]
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I have a boolean variable that I'm trying to switch depending on its status when you press a button. However, using this setup it only switches one-way and will...

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How do I invert a boolean value?
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How do I invert a boolean value on one line? Is there such a thing in Construct?

posted 11 months ago
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Why is my toggle not working?
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I don't understand why this isn't working? It seems like it should be simple enough? Global Boolean "Pause" is False on start. When Escape is pressed, if Pause...

posted 10 months ago

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