Beta versions are not as thoroughly tested as stable
New beta cycle: new Z axis scale setting; animations editor improvements; lots more
04 January, 2022 ()
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Happy new year! We're now starting a new beta release cycle and this release brings lots of improvements and fixes.
First of all there's a new project property Z axis scale. The default Normalized mode is how it used to work: at 100% scale, the camera is 100 units above the layout. However this can become awkward when working in 3D, since the Z axis uses a different scale to the X and Y axes. So now you can change the setting to Regular which uses the same units on all three axes. This solves various things that were previously tricky, like resizing the view, moving the camera around, and sizing a 3D shape in to a cube. However in this mode the camera has to be placed at a different Z height for normal 2D rendering, which itself depends on the viewport size. To help manage all this, the 3D Camera object now has a new Default camera Z property you can use to identify where a 2D camera will normally be positioned.
There's also a range of additions to the Animations Editor, as well as adjustments to things like expressions, the macOS WKWebiew export, and as usual some bug fixes. Happy testing and stay tuned for another year of exciting updates!
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New Additions
Project property 'Z axis scale'
3D Camera: 'DefaultCameraZ' expression
Support for fractional numbers in expressions starting with a dot, such as .5 + .5
Animations editor: support exporting and importing collision polygon and image point data along with image data
Animations editor: option to crop all the animations in an object type
Animations editor: keyboard shortcuts to change animations, ctrl/command + up/down arrow keys
Animations editor: option to replace existing animations and folders when doing a bulk import
Animations editor: option to export image point and collision polygon data along with the corresponding images
Scene graph: live preview the corresponding hierarchy in the editor when toggling the checkbox on plugins and behaviours that support it
macOS WKWebView export: quit app when window closed
Line of sight behavior: ensure behavior icon shows in all conditions/actions
Bug Fixes
Turret behavior: ensure cannot target itself
Use correct file permissions for latest Linux NW.js export
Properties Bar: could appear slightly incorrectly in some browsers
Animations editor: vertical or horizontal smooth lines of thickness = 1 drawn with incorrect color when using alpha channel values different to 255
Animations editor: prevent the default "back" navigation when sliding panels from the left side of the screen in mobile devices
Firefox: alpha transparency could appear incorrectly in editor
Firefox: ensure search field focused in object picker dialog
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