"Zap Attack" is an exciting arcade-style game developed by the talented students of Delmar High School's Game Development Class. In this action-packed adventure, you take on the role of a mischievous space alien with one goal: survival! Armed with your trusty zapper, you'll need quick reflexes and sharp aim to zap pesky humans trying to stop your extraterrestrial mission.
But the challenge doesn't end there—things get clucking wild in Level 2! As the stakes rise, chickens take center stage as your new adversaries. Will you conquer the chaos and secure your place as the ultimate alien zapper?
Fast-paced gameplay that tests your reflexes and precision.
Two distinct levels with unique enemies: zap humans in Level 1 and chickens in Level 2.
Simple yet engaging mechanics, making it fun for players of all ages.
Created entirely by Delmar High School students as part of their hands-on learning experience.
Are you ready to zap your way to victory? Jump into the alien adventure now and show the universe what you're made of!