[A] Move Left
[D] Move Right
[W] Open door "Castle"
[J] Jump/Confirm
[L] Fire
Gamepad Support: Xbox360
[D-Pad Left and Right] Move
[D-Pad UP] Open Dors
[D-Pad Down] Lowe
[A] Jump
[X] Run/Fire
Update 0.56
- Enemies are destroyed when the stage is completed and they are on the screeen.
- Stage 1, the second item block was moved 20 pixels to the right, so the turtle hits it.
- Stage 2, left block visible before the barrel in the shape of the letter T.
- The pow block is now suspended, making it easy to complete stage.
- Stage 3, removed invisible blocks from the cliffs.
- Stage 4, I left the Pow block visible.
- Added music in the final game layout.
I am making Capx available for download from an earlier version.
My template Fight Game on sale
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