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Music game in the style of guitar hero!
*** Songs mentioned in credits!
Use keyboard to play on desktop!
A - S - K - L
Use touch buttons on mobile!
Buy this template on Scirra Store (with other songs) >>>
too ez make a jumps at least? or holds?
I didn't understand your question friend.
the game is very enjoyable but please make harder like make it so that instead of hitting one note every time like make it so you can hit 2, 3, or 4 at a time. Or make like a expert mode please. So like pretty much ddr
Now I get it friend..rsrs Maybe I'll go back to work on this game and make a harder level yes! Thanks for the feedback! :)
Your welcome! This is the best game i can play in free time:)
Wow really cool! I am wondering if you could give me a hint of how you were able to synchronize the beat of the song with giving a correct or error in response to the player's keypress. I am currently trying to make a character walk in time with music and am at a bit of a loss. :\</p>
not bad, quick tip, i would increase the range at which the player can hit the keys, based on distance from button u score lower/medium/perfect or bad. at this moment of my comment the buttons glitch out after the first push. and isn't working for me when i press buttons. i always miss even if buttons overlap falling object.
Other than that is looking good.
Mano muito bom e a tela ficou perfeita! mas seria mais legal se no lugar do meuse fosse o teclado.
Amigo, nas opções do jogo, além de escolher a dificuldade, tem descrito os botões do teclado, o qual é A-S-K-L, pode jogar no desktop com as teclas sem a necessidade de usar o mouse (que fica meio impossível no hard.. hahaha)... valeu por gostar! abraço..
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