Thank you so much to coming into this page.
This template contains fully commented template to create a puzzle dots similar to Brain Dots game !. By buying this you will also receive an actual game called Mind Dootz ( check in google search “Brain Dots” to get more info). Its playable even using Construct 2 Free Edition. Learns to build a big game ( 11 stages inside! ) but with less layout ( only 2 layouts in this game! ) and less Events ( just 93 Event Sheets ! ).
Very good for Beginner in Construct 2 and informative for advance user ! Learns also how to reduce cpu power by using calling function and platform gravity.
If many people like this template and game, i will add more stages and features (until 25 Stages, 50 stages, 100 stages or more!) to enhance the gameplay experience. Curious to know? Just buy it !
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