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Jumping Dino

284 players, 334 plays 0 playing now, 2 most ever online
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blobiusc Published on 14 Oct, 2021


Um dinossauro gigante está correndo atrás de Dino! Fuja rápido antes que seja pego!

Um pequeno dinossauro chamado Dino estava tranquilamente procurando alimento, quando de repente… TOMP, TOMP, TOMP, eram passos de um outro dinossauro gigante e faminto que corria atrás de Dino.

Ajude Dino a fugir!


A big dinosaur is running to catch Dino! Run fast to escape!

A little dinosaur called Dino was calmly looking for food, when suddenly… TOMP, TOMP, TOMP, it was the steps of another gigant and hungry dinosaur that was running to catch him.

Help Dino to escape!



Pressione 1, 2, 3 ou 4 para selecionar a cor do seu Dino

Pressione a barra de espaço para começar

Pressione a seta apontando para cima para pular

Pressione R para tentar de novo


Press 1, 2, 3 ou 4 to select the color of your Dino

Press the space-bar to start the game

Press the up arrow to jump

Press R to try again


Version History

ID Date Size Engine Plays
2 14 Oct, 2021 at 22:20 3.97 MB Construct 3 334 Playing
1 14 Oct, 2021 at 21:56 5.2 MB Construct 3 0

Used Behaviours


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