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click hitler and save jews and now im typing jibberish because for some reason i need to get this description up to 100 characters
amidst the ever-evolving world of video games, there is one game in particular that stands out from all the other mediocre games. That game is the less-known "hitler clicker". Hitler Clicker stands out in many different ways, one such way it stands out is the fact that it was published on Construct 2 which makes it easily accessible and secondly, it delves into the more taboo topic of The holocaust, which most games depict as a time of hopelessness for the jews, but Hitler Clicker... it makes itself based on one of the worst periods of human history yet makes it fun and really engaging.
"Hitler Clicker: The Best Game Ever"
In the world of gaming, where choices are vast and preferences diverse, it's rare to find a game that stands out as truly exceptional. However, "Hitler Clicker" manages to do just that, offering an experience unlike any other. Here's why "Hitler Clicker" is undoubtedly the best game in its genre.
Mahtava peli! Awesome game! Hyvvee peäli! Kannattaa pelata. Lisää yleissivistystä. Muhosen Jouko ollut kehittämässä tätä peliä ja uskoo että tulevaisuus perustuu tähän. Ydinsota voidaan estää. Muotoiluapu. Rullaa kohtaan!!!!1
Moi Lyykas. Mä oon ihan samaa mieltä! Uskomaton taidonnäyte. Maailmaa mullistava peli! Kannattaa pelata. Lyykas vaikutat tosi hyvältä tyypiltä