Use the arrow keys to move BLUE around the maze.
Press 'Q' for Main Menu at any time. (Game will not save your level)
Swirlies will warp you somewhere randomly in the maze.
Loopies will restart the level with a new maze.
You start the game with five (5) loopies you can use when you get stuck. Each page you collect earns you one (1) loopie. If the timer runs out, you lose two (2) loopies, and the level restarts with a new maze. If the timer runs out and you have less than two (2) loopies, GAME OVER.
After a certain level, RED will randomly spawn into your level, search for you, and chase you through the maze. Each time RED catches you, you lose one (1) loopie. If RED catches you and you have zero loopies, GAME OVER.