By embedding games on your website or application you are agreeing to the Arcade Terms of Service. heres the og game! go play it!! check it out on! get download links for pc and mobile!
Its a good game. I was trying to make a fnaf game because I saw Juno12's but I got stuck and couldn't figure out some stuff, so I'm glad someone else made one that is good too
Overall this is a good game but for a remaster i feel it took a way a few features that was cool in the original.
The phone call, camera movement,hard mode etc are just a few i noticed but i do love it graphically and its really really cool what you did.
May i have the source to it id love to maybe have a poke at this aswell and may i suggest adding layout effects there really useful!
I didnt add I souce because I wanted to make people check out your game for the souce, but I could email you the source if you want! I removed to phone call because the new feature(s) and the things a removed the phone call did'nt/did adress removed/added things, it would confused the player. and lastly thanks for checking out what I did to your "old **** game!
alr thanks my email is
Though what id like would maybe be an instructions guide in the description of this game page just incase people didnt play the old one first.
thanks for making this cool remake honestly i enjoyed it alot.
Its quite interesting youve removed the moving of the pov and youve given it a graphicsl upgrade
I removed the moving pov because of 2 reasons, first of all I think it felt janky, and also because of how the office would feel way to big in my opinion
Thats a fair enough reason it was a bit janky ish
Tho the big office was kinda cool
Yo this is really cool thanks for your take on my old *** game thanks bro
thank you for making such I good game for me to build off of!