TIMER: On the timer section, you can change the time by clicking the 1, 2, and 3 buttons. Each button has its own assigned time length.
START: To start the game after you have adjusted the time length, you press the space bar.
ONION: To control "Onion", you use the W, A, and D keys. W is jump, A is left, and D is right.
APPLE: To control "Apple", you use the arrow keys. Same functions as Onion.
PAUSE: To pause the game, you can press the "P" key. This pauses the match, freezing the timer. Once the game is paused, you can either press the "P" key again to unpause the game, or click "MENU", which takes you back to the main screen.
AUDIO: On the main menu, there is a button on the top right corner. You can click this button to either mute or unmute the background music.
END: At the end of the match, when the timer has run out, the winner is the person who is not it. To go back to the main menu, you can click the text, "RETURN TO MENU".