*2/8 Update: Better Movement, improved PC controls, and more*
Just hold down WASD, (Arrows on mobile) to move instead of tapping like crazy, you'll start off kinda slow but there is a new Speed skill! Also SPACE IS THE NEW HARVEST BUTTON. And building Foundations is now with the MOUSE! Click and hold it will show a placeholder, let go to place.
Thank you so much for playing, this is my first game of any sort. Most assets come from the Kenney asset packs kenney.itch.io
Any Questions please comment below or email JollyGorillaStudioshtu@gmail.com
On Keyboard: W,A,S,D movement. Space to Harvest.Clic to build a foundation ( cost 10 wood), Right click destroys it.
On Mobile or Touch Screen, or Mouse: A to Harvest. B to build a foundation. X to build a fire. Y to plant seeds (take 20 seconds to grow to berries).
Staying inside your house (made of foundation) will Heal over time and will not deplete hunger.
Note: Not all buttons/features will work right now