zenox98's Forum Posts

  • KittenKatja

    It is not at all clear what your problem is with TileMaps. The manual covers pretty much everything you would need to know.

    Please be specific when asking for assistance. It is understandable that if English is not your first language then it may be difficult getting your point across, and it may explain why users are less responsive to your question.

    Does the following tutorial help in any way:https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1001/learn-how-to-use-tilemap-by-making-a-platform-game-with-it

  • How the solution .... please help me ....... game that I will make I will use for college exam

    You do understand that the free version has the following limitations:


    A maximum of 100 events in a project

    A maximum of 4 layers in any layout

    A maximum of 2 effects in a project

    No folder organisation in the project bar

    No event search

    No configurations bar

    No Families

    No Preview on LAN

    Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes (however, it can be used in education and other non-profit organisations)

    So are you saying you have reached the free version limit?

    If so, then there is nothing anyone can do to overcome this other than buying a license.

  • When I make my game get into trouble when adding event in construct 2 ,,,,, I can not exceed the specified event ............. how to get event in construct 2 can add up to 200 ..... so that my game can be continued in the making ......

    Please help ..... thank you

    Are you using the free edition?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • imhotep22 fixed it. and if you find it bothering just dont comment. no one is forcing you.

    Please read the Tips for Posting.

    It really does help us help you if you provide as much info as possible as many users.


  • Post updated with link.

  • newt

    Actually, just found the .capx on one of my old internal drives and it still works. It is very reminiscent of Tempest in it's mechanic, but will need tweaking, as you say.

    I'll upload a link soon if anyone's interested........

    Link to Newt's .capx here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u82am6m0l8u185v/Radeiusalphar64.capx?dl=1

  • Hey guys!

    Title is pretty self explanatory. I want to make an on-rails shooter with (what looks like) vector style graphics. This questions was posted 4 years ago when the Dropbox thing still worked, and they gave a CAPX file to start with. Sadly, Dropbox is no more so no idea where to start.

    Can anybody help?


    You could always ask the original poster of the .capx to update the link.

    For instance, newt posted his version HERE and I'm certain he would update his link (if asked nicely), providing he still has the .capx.

  • Why have I only just noticed this?

    Most sprite strip dialogs give you an option to set the x & Y offsets for each individual sprite as well as how many per column and row. This is because many of the stripe strips of old had a borders around each individual sprite.

    This facility exists for the Tilemap object but not for the sprite strip import, which is a shame, as I really need it at the moment.

    Just my gentle Monday rant, as I know this will never be implemented for C2 now, but it is also missing from C3, so fingers crossed.

    ...signing off...........

  • Does the individual images of the tilemap have borders? If so, have you entered the relevant offset values in the properties?

    Unfortunately it is quite difficult to help unless we can see - and test - the image for ourselves. If at all possible, please provide a link for the image so we can test it.

  • I want to make a game like jetpack joyride ;however, I don't know how can I do ? Please help me...

    Please read the Tips for posting as your question is far too generic.

    Have you used C2 for long?

    Have you read the manual?

    Have you tried any tutorials?

    Have you made any attempts/prototypes of this game mechanic that you haverequested?

    What specific help do you need?

    Try to be precise in what help you need - it makes helping you much easier.

  • Webgl is needed for effects and chrome blacklists certain gpu's, so this is a useful check to test if webgl is working.

    Your results prove that chrome has recognized your gpu and it's not blacklisted, which is good.

  • As Aphrodite has said, you should ask your questions on the nintendo forums, as there is a NDA between Scirra and Nintendo that prohibits discussion of the WII-U.

    So please, no more discussion of the WII-U here.

  • When the game is on devlopment screen some large sprites don't appear its true forme like in the game

    Your post follows none of the Bug Report Requirements so it will be impossible for Ashley to investigate.

  • Thank Gigatron for replying

    but the problem was with fx effects not supported by the chrome browser,....worked with firefox!

    You can check if chrome webgl is using hardware acceleration by entering the following as a url:

  • You can copy from one project to another as long as you prepare the other project first by ensuring that any referenced object, variable, addon exists in the new project prior to the copy and paste.