zenox98's Forum Posts

  • Just tested my Wacom Bamboo with the C2 image editor and that works fine, so maybe that could be an alternative?

  • There is no twain import facility in C2, if that's what you mean, but nearly all art packages support such a thing. This is a 2d games creation system after all - it can't really be expected to have the functionality of an fully-fledged art package.

    If you really wanted such a thing, the C2 SDK might be a possibility, but you'd need to code it yourself. There are APIs out there (Google for javascript twain api) that can be accessed via javascript, but again, you would need to program such functionality yourself.

  • Sorry - can't help I'm afraid. I have no interest in mobiles.

  • Ashley

    I checked his .capx and he's using r173 stable. (!?)

  • It came with release 174 beta.



    File Chooser was added in r174, and manual entries are only created on stable releases.

    From Ashley: https://www.scirra.com/forum/tilemap-in-span-class-posthilit-manual-span_p718947?#p718947

    [quote:3m9ynb0g]...we only update the manual just before the next stable release.

    So hopefully a new stable release will include the manual entry for Filechooser, although I've found it very simple to use

  • Are you really still using C2 r158.2?

    If so, try at least the latest stable release r173, or even r175beta to see if the problem still exists.

    Node-Webkit has probably been updated numerous times since r158.2, so it's worth testing with a more upto date release.

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  • Cool. Getting sick of hitting 'Report' numerous times a day :/

  • What does "a" represent?

    If you are saying that "a" could be any unknown numerical value, then without some kind of algorithm or boundary, it will be impossible to test.

  • I don't wish to sound unhelpful, but this is obviously noting to do with C2 or everyone would be reporting this issue.

    Something has changed on you system or in the C2 installation that has made either or both unstable.

    I would try a clean, vanilla install. Uninstall C2, remove remaining directory (save Plugins if needed), reboot and reinstall. Maybe also try latest beta.

  • You could simply use the System-Compare two values condition.

    First value would be Global variable "a", and compare values would be "10|20|30|40..." etc then set Action to add 1 to Global 'b'.

    For more info on Expressions, see https://www.scirra.com/manual/78/expressions.

  • The stickied top post for this Bugs closed section says "Please do not reply to posts in this forum ".

    If you are experiencing the same or a similar issue, please post a new bug report following all the guidelines, i.e. a minimum sized .capx with exact steps to reproduce. That way others can try and verify your findings also.

  • Just tested in IE11 and it works perfectly fine.

    Try running without addons (if you have any).

  • If you drag and drop an image onto the Layout, it will already create a sprite using the filename as it's name.

  • Why are you acting in such a way?

    If you click New, and select the Physics Catapult template, then you have the basics of an angry birds game.