Zed2100's Forum Posts

  • A playable demo would be cool too.

    For screen recording, I use Bandicam, it is pretty intuitive.

    Good luck with sales.

  • The Text object is useless for array manipulation, you only need it to display some text (like the content of your array) on screen.

    Second mistake : Array elements are different from the object's instance variables. You don't need instance variables at all in the Array object.

    To add an element to an array, use the array's Push action.

    In your event sheet, this should look like :

    • push "alex" at the end of name
    • push "martin" at the end of name
    • ... and so on.

    You should check out a tutorial for using arrays in the tutorial section on this website, there are really good ones, or check out the usage of arrays in the manual.

  • > Why is it important to only have a single file? What difference does it make if some other files are involved?


    Its twofold really.

    1: yes its purely a personal thing and I want one single exe to run or to give to friends, thats just me and my requirements, its what I prefer.

    2: this is the main one, running in a wrapper really hurts the performance, running native code is far faster and more efficient.

    like I said, I love C2 and its UI is really damn perfect for me, heck if someone created an addon that exported native windows code I'd buy it, even if it was like £50

    1- Use InnoSetup and create a single .exe installer.

    2- Performance is only an issue if you're displaying tons of sprites at the same time. You can always optimize your game. There are some commercial games made with C2 that use a lot of effects (The Next Penelope) or an open world design (Cosmochoria) and they run just fine with the NWjs wrapper.

  • For the GUI you can find some nice graphics in the scirra store. The game seems to have deep mechanics, I guess it took you quite a lot of time and efforts, keep up the good work, good luck!

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  • I'm trying to make a mechanic where the character moves to a tapped spot and only when its a tap, does any enemy in the way get hurt. kind of like dark slash

    Set the player's position to Touch.X and Touch.Y in the "on tap" condition. Then create a sprite between the player's old position and his new position, rotate it accordingly, then check for collisions with each enemy and apply damage to them.

    First time I hear about Dark Slash, seems like a nice game. Thanks.

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  • Perhaps you can cheat this.

    By pinning the sprite object at a certain point to another object, whose pivot point is in a different place relative to the first object's pivot point.

    Seconded, you can also compute an absolute position using your sprite's local coordinates using a little bit of math.

  • At(index) should work, as it says in the manual, if Y and Z are not provided, then they are set to 0.

    I think the problem comes from the initialization of your array. How do you fill it with names?

    You need a one dimensional array of names. Personally, I would first set the size of the array to (NAMESCOUNT, 1, 1), where NAMESCOUNT is the number of names you have, then I would fill each X index with a string value.

    Maybe you set the height or depth to 0 by mistake. From the manual : "If any of the dimensions are 0 the entire array is empty, so usually all the dimensions are at least 1."

    Please provide a capx or a screenshot of your code at least for us to provide a more detailed answer.

    Btw, you can read the manual for Array here : https://www.scirra.com/manual/108/array

  • Soldier Character 10 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Soldier wearing a ballistic face mask and armed with an UZI. This character is made for runners, platformers, strategy or side-scrolling/action games. Use as protagonist or enemy in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 21 animation states (PNG frames for each animation included)
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector body parts made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the body parts in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Skeletal animations made with Brashmonkey Spriter (.SCML and .SCON included)
    • Bonus items: Knife, Grenade, Explosion (animation), Muzzle Flash (animation), Impact (animation), Bullet (animation)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Soldier Character 10

  • Soldier Character 9 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Police special forces agent armed with a pistol. This character is made for runners, platformers, strategy or side-scrolling/action games. Use as protagonist or enemy in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 21 animation states (PNG frames for each animation included)
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector body parts made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the body parts in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Skeletal animations made with Brashmonkey Spriter (.SCML and .SCON included)
    • Bonus items: Knife, Grenade, Explosion (animation), Muzzle Flash (animation), Impact (animation), Bullet (animation)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Soldier Character 9

  • Soldier Character 8 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Police special forces agent armed with a shotgun. This character is made for runners, platformers, strategy or side-scrolling/action games. Use as protagonist or enemy in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 21 animation states (PNG frames for each animation included)
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector body parts made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the body parts in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Skeletal animations made with Brashmonkey Spriter (.SCML and .SCON included)
    • Bonus items: Knife, Grenade, Explosion (animation), Muzzle Flash (animation), Impact (animation), Bullet (animation)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Soldier Character 8

  • Soldier Character 6 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Heavy armored soldier character with gaz mask and shotgun. Made for runners, platformers, strategy or side-scrolling/action games. Use as protagonist or enemy in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 21 animation states (PNG frames for each animation included)
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector body parts made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the body parts in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Skeletal animations made with Brashmonkey Spriter (.SCML and .SCON included)
    • Bonus items: Knife, Grenade, Explosion (animation), Muzzle Flash (animation), Impact (animation), Bullet (animation)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Soldier Character 6

  • Soldier Character 5 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Mercenary soldier character in blue camo, armed with an assault rifle. Made for runners, platformers, strategy or side-scrolling/action games. Use as protagonist or enemy in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 21 animation states (PNG frames for each animation included)
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector body parts made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the body parts in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Skeletal animations made with Brashmonkey Spriter (.SCML and .SCON included)
    • Bonus items: Knife, Grenade, Explosion (animation), Muzzle Flash (animation), Impact (animation), Bullet (animation)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Soldier Character 5

  • Soldier Character 7 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Police special forces agent armed with a shotgun. This character is made for runners, platformers, strategy or side-scrolling/action games. Use as protagonist or enemy in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 21 animation states (PNG frames for each animation included)
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector body parts made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the body parts in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Skeletal animations made with Brashmonkey Spriter (.SCML and .SCON included)
    • Bonus items: Knife, Grenade, Explosion (animation), Muzzle Flash (animation), Impact (animation), Bullet (animation)

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Soldier Character 7

  • Modern Weapon Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>17 deadly weapons and more to come. This pack contains assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, pistols, melee weapons and a grenade. Useful if you want to include upgrades or weapon customization in your military/war themed game.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • 17 weapons including assault rifles, sawed-off shotgun, shotgun, pistols, grenade, knife, machete, scoped hunting rifles, sniper rifles...
    • 100% customizeable and resizeable vector files made with CorelDraw (.CDR, .AI, .SVG, .EPS included)
    • You can edit the vector files in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Inkscape
    • Each weapon is exported as PNG file as well

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Modern Weapon Pack