Ok, so if I had several instances of an object, and I ran a spawn object, each instance would spawn a new object. But using create object, I would get just the one straight from the system? That makes sense.
As far as retreiving UIDs, you shoudl be able to do it like that:
-> Create/Spawn object
-> set variable to object.UID
So how do I reference the new instance I just created, instead of another that may already be in existence? IE, I'm randomly generating a solar system, with a random number of planets. My random number generator comes up with five, so five planets are created. A few ticks later, I may need to update each individual planet's orbital positions and other data. In other languages/utilities, the creating function would return a pointer, or the equivalent of each planet's instances UID that could be stored and referenced later to get at instance-specific data. That's what I'm after.
This will become very important as I progress in my project, since there will be a great deal of procedural generation going on.
Thank you for your help so far!