YoHoho's Forum Posts

  • I've sent it to you by email. You should wait until the spawnDelay hits "0" - that's when it gets funny!

    Aw, c'mon. I want to see!

    I'm still confused about the random events. Can somebody create a video example of how all of the separate 'random' commands work with regards to any kind of object it can be applied to?

    Obviously I'm begging for a full video manual, LOL.

  • I totally couldn't figure out how to light a campfire and put it on the ground.

  • I've been wanting to know how to accomplish this as well.

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  • Hey... what if you wanted to have actual voice sampling, but in an 8-bit (16-bit, and so on...) like this

    ? Does anybody know of any programs to accomplish this?

  • Could somebody help me and please check if there are any mistakes in English

    "Ignatius is an atmospheric 2D puzzle-platform game. The game will soon appear on mobile devices with the android system. It will be release in couple of days and will be for free. So stay tuned and follow us on our social media "

    You should capitalize 'Android' since it's a proper noun. I think if you don't capitalize 'Apple' computers, they come after you

    'It will be released in a couple of days for free' is a better structured sentence.

  • Would you ever make a development set for this so that others can see how you put this together?

  • I never, ever use emoticons. But...

    Maybe you can try and combine the wave washing from the 'Beach ' to the 'Ocean' and see if you can create waves moving.

  • Are you going to include a .capx or something that would allow others to see how you put this together?

  • You can only access objects on the running layout. Objects on other layouts don't exist so you can't access them.

    Maybe you can make the objects global and just hide them most of the time. Or just storing the health in something global.

    Yes, making the Block HPs global would work. I wonder if this would become an issue down the line if I'm making a full game and there are essentially over 100 Block HPs having their own global events. Can I keep a list of globals on its own event sheet and have them work properly?

    Also, could I use multiple layers to accomplish this? I'm guessing I can make certain layers inactive when I'm on another. Guess I'm going to need the full version eventually to get some of this stuff working.

  • I'm working on a game prototype where you can view the HP of the Block from another layout ad then move to that layout. After damaging the block and returning to the main layout, you can again view the Block's HP and it will update if it has changed.

    I'm not sure how to get this working using the event language. What I think I need to do in Events 6 - 8 is get the UID of the Blocks from the layouts Block 100, 50 and 25 and get the game to recognize them as they're updated/change. Any help here would be appreciated and then I can focus on the enemies and game settings.

  • Depending on what your trying to accomplish simply adding a solid behavior probably won't work.

    If your enemy pathfind or follow/chase player you might have to use something like this:


    For advanced topic follow the last post link to ROJOhounds example capx... powerfull stuff.

    Well, I tried the example... but I'm using the free version and that doesn't allow for the use of Families like the example. Is there a way to accomplish with the use of families?

    I've looked over the example and I see how it works using the instance variables of distance and angle so I can see that using Families can do way more than I thought.

  • Depending on what your trying to accomplish simply adding a solid behavior probably won't work.

    If your enemy pathfind or follow/chase player you might have to use something like this:


    For advanced topic follow the last post link to ROJOhounds example capx... powerfull stuff.

    Oh, the irony of how I actually bookmarked that exact topic page however many days ago. And when I ask this question, someone links me directly to it Thanks again. Obviously I'm getting somewhere in my progress with developing prototypes.

  • I'm working on a prototype that has multiple enemy sprites on screen. I can't figure out how to keep them from going through each other. How do I accomplish this?

  • Did you try looking at the 'Top Down Shooter' tutorial? Maybe even one of the easy tutorials for a top down shooter on YouTube? They should have very easy to understand events you could use.