Yasharitsu's Forum Posts

  • You'll need to check each state and release an event to change the animation according.

    Take a look inside the C2 Samples, there have a lot of nice examples.

    I will look it up, thank you.

  • How do I make the sprite look different while jumping and how do I make it look different when I'm making it fly temporary with the "Jump sustain" function of the "Platform" behaviour? I want it to spread its wings while jumping and when you're holding it, it should start to move its wings. I think this is pretty hard but it should be doable somehow.

    Does anybody have an idea?

  • What I want to do is this: Everytime a bullet hits the sprite, the sprite should fall out in some arc-kind of motion. Outside of the layout it will be destroyed. How exactly do I do that? I hope you understand how I mean it. It should kind of get thrown out of the layout. The sprite is on an object that is solid and has the behaviours "8Direction", "Platform" "Destroy outside layout" and "Bound to layout". Does anyone have an idea?

  • Hey everyone.

    I have a sprite that I want to Jump everytime you tap on the screen of your Phone.

    I also want it to start flying when you keep the finger on it.

    I hope to get some help.


  • Hey guys,

    I made a game where you use tilt controls. It's in Landscape mode and I use beta orientation. It works but as soon as I tilt the phone a little bit towarss myself it doesn't work. Is there a possibility to make the tilt controls as good as in Temple Run for example?

  • Yasharitsu that is strange! Well if you run Night Mode app then your app will not install. If you have Night Mode app stop that and then try to install your apk.

    Do you mean apps like flux?

  • nav It's strange because it worked again yesterday in the morning but last night it didn't work again. Everytime it worked it was in the morning or afternoon and everytime it doesn't it's night. It works right now.

  • Okay, it's not working again. The App is signed and everything should be fine. I deleted it and wanted to install an updated version of it. When I tap "install" nothing happens. I decided to try it out again with the version that has worked previously but this wasn't working too... Don't know what to do right now.

  • It works now. Thank you guys!

  • >

    > > You can do signing through Intel XDK. You create your keystore and such with the menu in the program, and select which keystore you want to sign it with in the apps options before publishing it. Literally just click on the warning messages inside of intel xdk

    > >

    > Do you have a tutorial for this?


    I'll be frankly honest with you. Following the error messages and clicking the links they provide inside of Intel XDK, or a quick google search, would have solved this issue for you. Making a game is not easy, even with a program that does the code for you. If you cannot follow hints or do a quick search on your own to find the answer, you cannot hope to make a game.

    With that being said, I understand this comes easier to some then others, so I took the time to make you a tutorial. Next time try and figure it out on your own as that is the best way to learn and to improve.


    Thanks a lot. Really appreciate it!

  • > Hello everyone.


    > I have created an app, launched it on my device with xdk and it worked perfectly.


    > Now when I try to install the apk I can tap "install" as long as I want. It's not doing anything.


    > I also made sure that it's allowed to install apps from unknown sources.


    > Hope to get some help here.


    I had this problem yesterday, Make sure that you don't have an APP in that name before

    There's no APP with that name installed.

  • RickUSBstick

    I just copied the zipalign.exe into the folder where the apk I wanted to sign is located. It worked and it created a New apk. When I try to install this apk on my phone a window with the words : "package installer has stopped."

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  • You can do signing through Intel XDK. You create your keystore and such with the menu in the program, and select which keystore you want to sign it with in the apps options before publishing it. Literally just click on the warning messages inside of intel xdk

    Do you have a tutorial for this?

  • > RickUSBstick I just read this: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1156/p ... -appsigner

    > Is this what you are talking about?


    I think that one is not real to the point, i like the following tutorial better. Keystore and signing is from step 4. Goodluck and let me know if its working.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/432/an ... h-cocoonjs

    When I'm doing the stuff from step five it's telling me that the command "zipalign" can't be found.

  • RickUSBstick I just read this: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1156/p ... -appsigner

    Is this what you are talking about?