Ah ninja Vercingetorix.
Well, I have made quite a few other change.
Note that you don't have to duplicate action anymmore for your Wolf or Normal mode. It's all handled in a global variable (can be an instance variable if you want too, it's programming design choice)
Also I prefer to use a boolean to check if you are attacking. It's the same idea as Vercingetorix but I like booleans (programming design choice too).
And using a boolean can also help on
Vercingetorix's "related note" I guess
Also drxbellini you should be carefull about your platform collision. I'll explain it to you with ASCII art now
If your colision are like that \______/ you will get stuck when you are against the platform and try to jump.
So I modified the polygon to be more like |_____|
Actually I even at little tiny unperceptibly pushed a bit toward /___\ just because there's no alignement system for collision point yet so I wasn't 100% sure they were vertical.
Here is the capx