Yann's Forum Posts

  • Basically you want a wave system.

    You just have to know in which phase you are and then activate the right mode of your game

    Global Variable mode=0   //0 = spawn every 3 seconds, 1 = killing time, 2=pausing time
    Global Variable Timer=0  // to keep track of time
    Global Variable atkDuration= 30  // number of second zombies will spawn
    Global Variable pauseDuration= 5 // number of second before the next wave
    +System: Every tick
      -> System: Add dt to Timer
    +System: mode = 0 
      + System: Every 3 seconds
        -> System: Create Zombie
      + System: Timer > atkDuration
        -> System: set mode to 1 
    +System: mode = 1
      + System: Zombie.count = 0
        -> System: set mode to 2
    +System: mode = 2
      + System: Timer > pauseDuration
        -> System: set mode to 0

    That's all folks

  • you should add a Text box on your layout where the player will enter his name, and on click on the validation button, you will send an Ajax request that will look like :

    -> Ajax: Request "http://yourURL/post.php?name="&Textbox.text&"&score="&score (tag "sendScore")
  • Ah ninja Vercingetorix.

    Well, I have made quite a few other change.

    Note that you don't have to duplicate action anymmore for your Wolf or Normal mode. It's all handled in a global variable (can be an instance variable if you want too, it's programming design choice)

    Also I prefer to use a boolean to check if you are attacking. It's the same idea as Vercingetorix but I like booleans (programming design choice too).

    And using a boolean can also help on Vercingetorix's "related note" I guess

    Also drxbellini you should be carefull about your platform collision. I'll explain it to you with ASCII art now

    If your colision are like that   \______/   you will get stuck when you are against the platform and try to jump.

    So I modified the polygon to be more like |_____|

    Actually I even at little tiny unperceptibly pushed a bit toward /___\ just because there's no alignement system for collision point yet so I wasn't 100% sure they were vertical.

    Here is the capx


  • That's a known issue when using webGl renderer.

    As far as I know, there's two work around :

    1. Disable webGl (but webGl is way faster than the base canvas renderer)

    2. Paste your text on a Canvas object (it's a third party plugin so you'll have to look in the proper forum section) which is in the proper layer and hide the text object.

  • The best way to do that kind of thing is texture scrolling. This method is used in some 3D game to fake conveyor belt, waterfall, and stuff like that.

    And it's should be possible with a modified tiledbg plugin. But I prefer to wait for the official tiledbg plugin to evolve. I think a fork in plugins is too messy.

    So maybe it can be a suggestion for Ash.

  • well


    works fine (:

  • capx... not caproj

    save your file as single file

  • send the capx we are running in circle (:

  • You can select all your text and change their property.

    As long as you only select the same kind of object you'll be able to modify an entire selection at the same time.

    It's easier if you them on the same layer and lock the other layers

    You then just have to Ctrl+A to select them all.

  • Mouse: on object left click
      -> Object: set destroyed to true
      System: repeat 10 times
        -> Object: create object on layer 0 at Object.X+50,Object.Y
    Object: is destroyed
      -> Destroy

    hmmmm should work

  • probably something like

    milliseconds = timer-floor(timer)

  • smitchell I don't think it's an integer issue 'cause the creator (spawner) sprite isn't place on float position.

    My best guess it that sometimes, the collision isn't triggered. And if you miss even just once, no background will be created anymore so... white screen.

    So I think you shouldn't use sprite to check for position but just position check it's more reliable.

    like that scrollingBullet.capx

    Also, using bullet behavior to scroll a background is interesting, never thought about that.

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  • If you don't use global objects, just reseting global variables should be enough.

    If you use global objects it's a bit more complicated.

  • clock.capx

  • maybe, but I'm not sure

    on whatever event you want
      -> Sprite: Spawn Bullet at image point 1
      -> Bullet: set angle to Sprite.angle
      -> Sprite: Spawn Bullet at image point 2
      -> Bullet: set angle to Sprite.angle
      -> Sprite: Spawn Bullet at image point 3
      -> Bullet: set angle to Sprite.angle

    This way your bullets should be at the same angle as your spawner sprite, and since you set speed to a negative value, they should go backward as you want (if I'm not wrong)