xxKitheifxx's Forum Posts

  • I've read year old posts about ragdoll physics and Im starting to understand how to get it to work, but I was just wondering if anybody had a .cap or something I could look at.

  • Hahaha love the sprites!

    keep up the good work

  • Ahh Spritefont,

    how I love that plugin

    I've always followed a tutorial Minor made for me and never once had a problem.

  • "ender's game"?

    One of the greatest books I've ever read!

  • Also does Gimp supports a tablet? or you cannot use a drawing tablet for Gimp?

    Yeah Gimp supports tablets

  • I searched the wiki for tutorials or just information,

    sorry nothing.

  • Hmm you sure you didn't accidentally set a sort of blur on it?

  • You could do this without scripting you know,

    Maybe something like,

    After you move your units,

    set Player turn to 0,

    when Player turn is 0,

    Enemy's start moving to there newer positions.

    Not very specific but its just an example.

  • [quote:35muam9w]

    I can draw some pretty average stuff in sketchbooks but i can't draw the same in my system since i don't have a tablet ( a reason why i want to make pixel art)

    Google Gimp,

    Its freeware and surprisingly amazing!

    Its very much like Photoshop and Is pretty useful,

    If your using a Drawing Tablet,

    I suggest ArtWeaver,

    at least for concept art that is

  • Hmm.. I tried to run your cap and test it out, but All I saw was blackness and a few metal looking things

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • wow wait a second, are you saying objects are uploaded according to the BBCode?

    Does that mean you could use BBCode to generate a map?

    Thus meaning map files?

    If so, that can lead to custom maps in some over-loved construct game!


    Ohh I see, that's pretty cool!

































    Never gonna give you up.

    Cool idea!

  • Hmm..

    When player facing 0, set *Bones*'s angle to 0,


    Set *Bones*'s angle 180.

    Hope this helps!

  • As the title says, when I use a Save or Load button, it makes my panels move from there positions to the center of the screen, I have 4 copy's of this panel on the screen and 3 of the smaller one's move... It might be that I set align and something is messing it up, Ill keep attempting to fix this, but does anybody else have this happen?

  • dl.dropbox.com/u/939828/Message%20System.cap

    Here we go, a lot simplier

    Wow I've never used the timeline before and this just made my mind explode!

    Great example!

  • So I was going to set up my main screen,

    so I set up this creepy little title text with cool tv distortion effect,

    It looks brilliant,

    but when I attempted to put it in construct I came across this.

    I read that its for not having the xvid codec, but still,

    but where would I go about on fixing this?

    <img src="http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg125/gooooo2/ERROR.png">