Xionor's Forum Posts

  • Hey.

    Am I the only one finding the whole "0 degrees points right" thing very confusing?

    When making something i constantly have to think in different degrees as some functions use normal North-based 0 degrees while others use the East-based 0 degrees.

    I would love the ability to be able to manually set where 0 degrees lies. Somewhere in the Project settings for example.

    Different angles would be useful in different games so the ability to change it sounds very useful to me at least.

  • I don't want diagonal movement. My object is constantly moving upwards. I want left to go left and right to go right, but not diagonally. That's because moving right diagonally is slower than moving straight right.

  • Hey.

    I'm having a problem.

    When using the 8 directional movement, when you press Up and Right, it goes diagonally Up and Right.

    But when you select only 4 directional movement from the options and press Up and Right, it doesn't do anything.

    It does this presumably since there's no diagonal to go to, but since there is no diagonal in only 4 directions mode, it should go Up and Right at the same time.

    I need a 4 directional movement because going Diagonally is slower than going directly right.

    Any ideas how to do this?

  • Oh, didn't know about that one. Useful! Thank you very much! : )

    What does Construct 2 define as Unused tho?

  • Hi,

    Im making an event where "On Created" Object1, the game creates Object2 a certain distance from it.

    But to actually have Object 1 as an active sprite on the Layout, I need to paste it somewhere off the layout, where it won't be seen.

    The thing is, the game creates that instance on game run, so that it immediately also spawns Object2. And I don't want that.

    How to make it create Object 2 on Object 1 Created, besides the initial spawn on layout start?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yea, works awesome that way, thanks! ^^

    One more question tho - Since the Magnitude is different, but the period is always the same, the speed of the movement varies a lot.

    Do you happen to know any formula for period that would make it's movement Period consistent with the Magnitude?

    As in, no matter how large of a magnitude you pick, the object wouldn't move any faster(in terms of pixels per second) across the screen?

    I'm guessing it's just about figuring out the ratio between the default Magnitude/Period and applying that ratio to the Period depending on new value?

  • Hi.

    Im experimenting with the Sine behavior.

    Take for example the 'Sine Behavior Types' project in Construct 2.

    Take the sprite in the top left corner with UID 0.

    How would YOU make that sprite pick a new random magnitude, every time it reaches the extreme of the current(As in, each time it goes to leftmost or rightmost side)?

  • Hey.

    Is there any command that could do the following?

    On X(whatever), disable the physics behavior for that object?

    Found only gravity and colissions in the options. Or is that enough?

  • Dear Kyatric, THANK YOU!

    The image was supposed to be single frame, but apparently a copy of it had somehow snuck itself into the Animation Frames.

    They had different bounding boxes and that's where the issue came from.

  • Imagine a rocket with 3 sections. The Bounding Box encompasses section 3 and nothing else.

    1 - |

    2 - |

    3 - |

    The rocket travels upwards towards Object1.

    I'm using the Pin(Position & Angle) behavior so that Section 3 "On Colision" with Object1, should freeze.

    My problem is that it freezes when Section 1 collides with Object1, rather than Section 3.

    The Bounding box on Object1 is no bigger than the object either, so it shouldn't be happening.

    Does anyone know why it's happening?

    EDIT : It seems to take the top edge of the visibly drawn image as Collision box for the Rocket, and the Bounding Box for Collision box for Object1. Why?

  • Thanks for the explanation. Got it to work exactly as i wanted it to : )

  • Hi.

    Call me stupid but I can't seem to understand how Set Velocity works in the Physics behaviour.

    What does it do?

    What is the X component, what is the Y component?

    There's very little discription in the manual..

    Thanks in advance!

  • dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kkcx8rf3589tntd/Hoppy.capx

    I made a quick project to give an example.

    Notice how the oranges appear clumped, then there's few screens of no oranges, then suddenly its 2-3 oranges on the same screen again.

  • Hey.

    I wonder, exactly how randomized is the Random function?

    Im making an upwards scrolling platformer and I've made an event where the game creates a small 100 px platform anywhere on the 1000px X plane of the layout the player's going towards.

    What I notice very often is 5+ platforms on one side at very similiar X coordinates, then 5+ on the other, then 4 in the middle.

    At times it would even create

    Platform 1 - 50px

    Platform 2 - 60px

    Platform 3 - 75px

    Platform 4 - 92px

    As in, scaling platform groups.

    And that happens A LOT! It looks like half of my platforms create stared/scaled structures.

    Thus wondering about the randomness of the whole process.

    EDIT : I made another event. I basically gave it a 10% chance to spawn an orange on each platform. As it is now, the oranges spawn mostly in clumps of 4+ with great patches of the level with no oranges. Very rarely would only 1 orange appear.

    What's wrong here?

    EDIT 2: Postig a capx as soon as possible.

  • Thank you Mipey! Works like a charm! Is there any way to give you rep? ^^

    Do you have any idea if it's possible to declare an int variable, or are all variables floats?