XHXIAIEIN's Forum Posts

  • You can edit the CSS style.

    for example

    	font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;
    	font-size: 35px;
    	line-height: 40px;
    	color: #ecf0f1;
    	background-color: #34495e;
  • You can check this example: #open=multiplayer-chat. In fact, the user client page part of this example is completed by just a few textarea components.That is the custom html page you want.

    Or if you want to access the SDK of multiplayer objects through Javascript


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • You can use BBcode

    [outlineback=#FFFFFF]Hello World[/outlineback]
    [outline=#FFFFFF]Hello World[/outline]
    [lineThickness=2][outlineback=#FFFFFF]Hello World[/outlineback][/lineThickness]
  • There doesn't seem to be a good way to check wrapping characters. So can only manually calculate the position where you want to wrap the line.


    This is based on this Example by dop2000.

  • try to use FILE (WEBVIEW2)

  • Here is a example

  • You can check this example.



    If you want it to be bound to the the viewport, you can add this section

    {"is-c3-clipboard-data":true,"type":"events","items":[{"eventType":"comment","text":"Viewport"},{"eventType":"variable","name":"boundLeft","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"boundRight","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"boundTop","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"boundBottom","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"comment","text":"ZoomScale"},{"eventType":"variable","name":"UseWidthScale","type":"boolean","initialValue":"false","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"WidthScale","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"HeightScale","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"minZoomScale","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"variable","name":"maxZoomScale","type":"number","initialValue":"0","comment":"","isStatic":false,"isConstant":false},{"eventType":"block","conditions":[{"id":"on-start-of-layout","objectClass":"System"}],"actions":[{"type":"comment","text":"Viewport Bound"},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"boundLeft","value":"(ViewportLeft(\"UI\") + ViewportMidX(\"UI\")) / LayoutScale"}},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"boundRight","value":"LayoutWidth - (ViewportRight(\"UI\") -ViewportMidX(\"UI\")) / LayoutScale"}},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"boundTop","value":"(ViewportMidY(\"UI\") - ViewportTop(\"UI\")) / LayoutScale"}},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"boundBottom","value":"LayoutHeight - (ViewportBottom(\"UI\") - ViewportMidY(\"UI\")) / LayoutScale"}},{"type":"comment","text":"Viewport Aspect Ratio"},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"WidthScale","value":"ViewportWidth(\"UI\") / LayoutWidth"}},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"HeightScale","value":"ViewportHeight(\"UI\") / LayoutHeight"}},{"type":"comment","text":"Zoom Scale"},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"minZoomScale","value":"UseWidthScale ? max(WidthScale, HeightScale) : min(WidthScale, HeightScale)"}},{"id":"set-eventvar-value","objectClass":"System","parameters":{"variable":"maxZoomScale","value":"minZoomScale * 3"}}]}]}


    clamp(scrollx, boundLeft, boundRight)
    clamp(scrolly, boundTop, boundBottom)
    clamp(LayoutScale, minZoomScale, maxZoomScale)

    And uncheck the Unbounded scrolling property

  • construct.net/en/tutorials

    Tom The delete button is placed here and it is very easy to press it by mistake, Please make it a text hyperlink and Swap the their position.

    OR placed on the tutorial page.

  • Thank you for your great work!!

    I think it would be perfect for a game like Choice of Life: Middle Ages and Yes, Your Grace and Sort The Court and Pilgrims


    I have a few polishing ideas:

    • New r373

      8. When Output is selected, the context menu use 'Remove' output to distinguish 'Delete' Node options

      I had a bold idea, if Flowcharts can work like JsonCrack?

      jsoncrack (github)

      1. Add a format button, Automatically sort node, no need to manually organize spaghetti.

      2. displayed as JSON (without editor node data)

      the editor's zoom and search functions also make sense.

      1. Zoom to fit

      2. Collapse Nodes

      3. Focus to First Node

      4. Search Node

    • Tab 1


    • Archived

      7. If the node can be named, it will help better manage the flowchart page

      6. Allow top-down organizational structure (Flowchart properties)bold text

      5. Context Menu on Out component Add a 'Go to' function, allowing the editor to focus on nodes.

      4. importing/export the flowchart AsJSON for external editing. If it can converted to data files, it would be even cooler! people can write flowchart data from external excel and import it into the flowchart with just a simple work.

      3. Allow 'Add Output' in the property bar (like add instance variables) which can better utilize the working habits of Construct

      the same context applies to nodes

      2.delete confirmation

      1. When dragging the node, keeping the output width small, But rather drag the column of Value.


  • C3 plug-ins are stored in the browser cache. If you clear the browser cache, the data will not exist.

    But you can check Bundle addons in the project properties, it can help you store the third-party add-ons used in the project along with the project file.

  • That doesn't usually happen, did you manually clear the browser cache? Or using a different browser ?

  • This is very simple in C3.

    Use build-in Date Plugin #open=date-time


    Date.ToTotalHours(Date.Difference(Date.Parse("2023-11-15"), Date.Parse("2023-11-20"))) / 24

    If you also need to display localized currency units, then this will also be helpful to you #open=internationalization


    OR You can use Javascript to calculate, Here is an example:

    function calculateDaysDifference(userDate) {

    const startDate = new Date('2023-11-15');

    const endDate = new Date(userDate);

    const diffInTime = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime();

    const diffInDays = Math.floor(diffInTime / (1000 * 3600 * 24));

    return diffInDays;








    But if you are talking about C2, you may need to use Brower to execute JavaScript.

  • Use @import url(). this works for me.

    @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Amatic+SC:400,700");
    body { font-family: 'Amatic SC', sans-serif; font-size: 2em; }
  • It may be related to your browser Version or computer hardware configuration. You can post your computer hardware information. This can help you find a problem better

    Or you can try to turn off the UI animation and Effect in the settings, which can also reduce the use of memory.