You can check collisions under performance in the debugger. ... tches.html
Thats what I used to make my splash screen. I had to shrink it by 2px because it was a little too big.
Ok there is an online utility I used but I'm on vacation and can't find it on my phone. I'll update later.
I used draw 9 patch. And my splash screens on the new xdk showed decently.
I did the same thing when testing a similar event. It works fine on your computer but you just adds 4 collision checks to your game and 4 * the number of objects that need checking could make it hard on mobile. A better system has 1 collision check then tests what side its on after the collision.
Use 9 patch. It seemed to work for me.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
On collision player x greater than tile x. That's the left side. On collision player x less than tile x. That's the right side of the player.
First of all Windows 8 supports html5 natively. I would suggest using leadbolt with crosswalk for android.
So whats the deal with the new splashscreen sizes 960 x 720 on XDK? Can we change them?
Well I'm sure ill find other totally useless information to post later. But thanks for responding.
Put this at the end of your scripts in your index.html file. It should work and worked for me. ... -php-mysql
Do that tutorial. Setup the tables how you want.
Ok I solved this. First you need to add an ad to your android app because they will all be SDK and when you add a new ad to your android game you select HTML. Now you want to edit that ad to be auto stretching. Then do this tutorial ... orted-game . And when you make your ads.html file you want to set margins to 0 in css. I just used the Normalize.css file I use for my site. Now you want to turn scrolling off on your iframe and you can set it to whatever size you see fit.
So with some more research it seems to affect only systems that have pixel ratios that are higher than 1. Is there any way to work with pixel ratio?
On what trigger should I resize though. its 468, 60 now and in the game it shrinks to an unknown amount. How do i tell the program I know you want to scale this down but can we keep this one true to the pixels?