WubWub's Forum Posts

  • I was re-reading the info here and I think Yann had the right idea. That's my next best bet at least.

  • Thanks for pointing that out along with the example Kyatric. I had stumbled upon that topic before but didn't realize how closely it related to the issue I'm having.

    I tried implementing your workaround in my situation (spawning collision masks on the main layer over the buildings in the background). However the collision masks aren't tracking with the background rotation correctly. I can't find the CM's now but did catch a glimpse of one flying past my helicopter.

    Updated .capx- http://c2.originalspaces.net/apache.capx

    Refer to "Game Events"

  • Event 24 of "Apache Controls" - If I change that to spawn on layer 0 the bullets always go up or -90 degrees on the background. They don't spawn from the angle that the helicopter is facing.

  • I'm building a top-down style helicopter game where the Up/Down arrows control the sprite, up and down. Left and right arrows rotate the BG clockwise and counterclockwise. There are three layers (Background, Main and UI).

    My question is how can I spawn bullets from my helicopter on the main layer towards destructable buildings on the Background layer? Impossible?

    The two methods I tried:

    Spawning the bullets on the background layer. I couldn't get the angle of trejectory to match the helicopter angle. Rather than shoot at the angle of my helicopter (on a different layer) the angle would be inverted.

    Then I tried putting the buildings on the main layer with the helicopter. When on screen, the buildings would rotate around their set postion. I couldn't get the sprites to mimic the rotation of my background layer.

    .capx- http://c2.originalspaces.net/apache.capx

    Buildings at y-axis 3400 (fly north). The two event sheets "Apache Controls" and "Game Events" contain the relevant actions.

    Controls: Up, Down, Left, Right, Ctrl, Space

  • Try Construct 3

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    Cool, thanks for the quick reply!

    I was curious about the reason for the 800px max width for arcade uploads. Is there any plan to increase this in the future? The reason I ask is because many of the widescreen games (for tablets) are 1024px + in width including the one I'm developing. My goal is to develop for multiple platforms and I would like to upload to the Scirra Arcade when finished!

    Maybe put the .iframe-wrapper outside of the .arcade-content div so that it would be inside of .arcade-wrap (100% width).

    Just a suggestion <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    p.s., the arcade redesign is smashing!

  • Thanks for the advice and thanks again Tom!

  • Nice fix Ashley! Works for both new and existing project here.

  • Sorry to bother anybody about this but could I get my username changed?

  • Same here. No 'waffles.txt'. Global vars are working now however instance vars still crash.

  • Same error here.

    Win7 x64

    GeForce GTX 260

  • Hi All,

    Just made the jump from GameMaker to Construct 2 and completed the beginner's guide. I'm really liking this so far and am excited about the possibilities.