Wrangler's Forum Posts

  • Buster has gone back to his original form, and I've reworked the skeleton (and given him some friends)

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/pzuxn.png" border="0" /><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Ikl3u.png" border="0" /><img src="http://i.imgur.com/9zS0a.png" border="0" /><img src="http://i.imgur.com/j4SN1.png" border="0" />

  • I don't like the new version either, I got lazy and used a template when I was working on the animations. He looks like a weird little voodoo doll now.

  • It definitely needs more red. I like how the demon/devil characters have their arms up like "Whoa dude, chill!"

  • Thanks Rory, I'm putting a lot of effort into the art style of the game. I really like the art style in your unicorn game; I especially like the way you did the trees.

  • The game handles well, besides only being able to shoot the direction you're looking; this was a little frustrating.

  • I'd love to let you have a go Guif0DA but it's in no fit state yet.

    I've been spitballing a few ideas for the HUD and I haven't really made much progress with it. Here it is in it's current iteration:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/tIzbZ.png" border="0" />

    The two square slots on the left are for items-in-hand, then there's the HP (green) and MP (purple) bars, the XP bar (orange) and finally the current level indicator. Is the hud missing anything so far? I can't think of anything I've missed.

  • The characters come off with some of the best dialogue snippets I think I've ever encountered in a game.

    Having a flaming midget running at you screaming "I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!!" is a life-defining moment for me as a gamer.

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  • When coming up with the main character for Dungeon Buster (a lying, glory stealing, alcoholic knight who has fallen from glory) it seemed more apt to cast a male, but honestly I didn't put much thought into it.

  • Just bumping this with another preview screenshot, things are coming along!

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/n6zXN.png" border="0" />

  • It's been a few days and I have a workable system in place now that I wanted to share.

    Here is the schedule for when the player opens a chest:

    <img src="http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/4153/8e3c8f9f849a415080d2947.png" border="0" />

    The chest has a instance variable called "Chest_ID" which is unique for each chest (in this case, it is the chest in Buster's house). When the chest is opened the schedule sets a webstorage key with the same name as the Chest_ID and sets its value to "opened". Keep in mind that this example is using session storage rather than local, this is just for testing purposes to allow me to easily reset all the values without having to wipe my browser cache, it will be set to local in the final version)

    And this is the schedule that runs at the start of the layout to check what chests have been opened:

    <img src="http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8006/5380b0561ed34797bbad538.png" border="0" />

    So, when the layout begins it checks the relevant webstorage key for Chest_ID "BH_1" and if it set to "opened" it will run the chest opening actions.

    It isn't the most efficient way of doing things, but it allows me to determine what loot each chest contains, which is what I want.

    I hope this is useful, and if anyone can see a way I could make this more efficient please let me know!

  • This is brilliant, the artwork is sublime. You nailed the snes/arcade style!

  • I saw this idea posted somewhere else, and I haven't read through this entire thread so I'll just go ahead and suggest it anyway;

    Rather than a captcha, why not have a game, something very very very simple like 'Complete the face' which has a blank face and a variety of objects that you can drag and drop onto it.

    Here's what I'm talking about:

    <img src="http://slacktory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Complete-the-Face-captcha-game.jpg" border="0" />

  • Thanks for those two ideas jchamplain, I had a look at both of those games and their perspectives really blew my mind. I've decided to reel in the view perspective and make it more standard (posted about it on the dev blog) to save myself having to bend my mind around weird and wonderful angles.

    I have to admit that I prefer how it looks now:

    <center><img src="http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/9978/1936e9e8cf4a4a2caba87f9.png" border="0"></center>

  • Cancel all of what I've just said!!

    It was Barry bloody S�ance and his wild � in the filenames that was throwing everything into disarray!

  • I'm not sure what is going wrong here, whether it's a bug or if it's something that's going wrong that I'm doing:

    <img src="http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6189/ae11470134794768926df84.png" border="0">

    On the left is the editor preview version, as you can see the green ghost and blue/gold chest are rendered properly. On the right is the exported version (running from my site) which doesn't seem to show either of these sprites correctly. I'm using a 'master instance' layout as a place to have all of the items/characters that will be instanced elsewhere; this system works for all of the other objects, besides these new ones.

    Sorry guys, I've removed the capx since I solved this issue :)