InDWrekt Bro one question, it might be the lengthy one,
Thanks to you I have come to this far, I'm trying to make this matching game as an endless one, every time user matches the 6 objects successfully, instead of going to the next stage, it will restart the same layout, but now the 6 animations will come randomly and the corresponding 6 text object will have the name based on the 6 animations name. But two condition, (1), Out of those 6 COLOR, no animation should be repeated, means, Color Red should not be coming twice. and (2), the sequence of either colour image or colour text should be different.
What I have tried,
Gave another instance variable to both Color Text & Color image.
On the start of the layout, set the COLOR animation and "choose("RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW","BROWN""PINK""PURPLE""WHITE""BLACK" . .....//probably 100 different animation)" while comparing when Color_IV = 1. (IV = Instance variable)
For the text, On the start of the layout, set the ColorText to "Color.AnimationName" while comparing when ColorText_IV = 1. (IV = Instance variable)
But it's not working, I know I missed a hell lot of things, should have been used array or something, but couldn't able to fig out.