worm1's Forum Posts

  • Ty, but is it compatible with construct 2 ?

  • Hi guys !

    Is it possible to manage the login of players as seen on games playstore ie with the choice to connect with facebook, google etc ... Currently I use a login system with ajax, php mysql but the user experience is not great ..

    My second question also concerns what most games on the playstore do. When a player relaunches a game where he has already connected, we pass the connection step and we arrive directly in the game. Is it possible to manage this in construct 2?

    Thanks for your help

  • dop2000 Curious that nobody has already done :)

    Otherwise the use of the function "contains value" does not suit me finally because it does not seem to return the pointer and I need to recover the string and the number after the decimal point in the array.

    For example i search for "BODY" and the pointer return me "BODY,16" or "3", the index ine array.

    So, do I have to go through a loop for that inevitably?

    Finally , i find the method :

    Mots.At(Mots.indexOf(string)) //for string Mots.At(Mots.indexOf(string),1) //for number

    It return me the number, But I do not know if it's really optimal ^^

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  • Hi,

    I want to search if a given word exists in an important array (About 10000 to 30000 words)of words whose structure is as follows:

    I know several methods to do this (tokenat, indexOf, find etc ..)

    I specify that currently I use the function "contains value" of the array

    but I would like to know which method is the most efficient and fast to do this?

    Thank you

  • Thank you for your answer !

    Since I tried to using letters as sprite and i detect when finger is over with the event "is touching" and it works pretty well :)


  • I managed to simulate the line when moving a finger using a canvas and the action draw path against now the question is how to build a word when the finger goes over the letters ^^

  • You don't understand my question ^^

    I'm trying to find out how to handle the finger that moves with the line on the letters down in the circle to build a word :)

  • Thank you for your answer but it is not the recognition part of the words that interests me but the generation of a word with the circle of letters at the bottom ;)

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to do this kind of tool to create words with construct 2 and if so what is the best method? Thank you

  • Thank you very much dop2000 , that's exactly what I was trying to do and without using an array it's even better !

  • Not exactly . For example i have 10 sprites with instance variable "ID" 0 to 9 and second instance variable "NUM" random 1 to 4 . I have a random number "n" start 0 until 9 and a second number "NUM2" random 1 to 4 . If "n" has value 3 for example i ll must check in the list of sprites the n+1, n+2 or n-1, n-2 so it will be sprites with ID 4,5 or 2,1 . After with the number "NUM2" i must compare instance variable "NUM" of sprite 4,5 or 2,1 and if is equal i destroy sprites with ID 4,5 or 2,1 and to finish i reorder the list of id like you say

  • Thx kriand , it s work

    dop2000 i use an array because i have to remove for example n+3 sprites or n-3 sprites, i have to concatenate after the rest of sprites and reorder by id all and i don 't know it s possible just with instance variables?

  • Yes the X index is a instance variable of sprite , i called it "ID" but it isnt the "UID" of the sprite

  • Thx kriand , it s seems to be a good solution but i can't pick instance with UID , i must pick instance with value in X of array . It s my problem

  • Hi,

    I manage instance variables of sprites with an array XY.

    The X is and ID of sprite and Y a number.

    I want to check along the array if the number of sprite in Y is equal to a number and destroy all sprites found.

    For example my array is :

    0 - 0,4
    1 - 1,4
    2 - 2,3
    3 - 3,3
    4 - 4,1
    5 - 5,1
    If my number to search is 3 , i want destroy sprites with Y number 3 so i ll destroy sprites in 2,3 in the X of my array.
    Ty for helps.