westray's Forum Posts

  • Is there any way of limiting the movement with this behaviour to only horizontal and vertical.

  • How do you get an object to move to a position using waypoints.

  • Just the first level of a game I am working on.Turn all the lights off on the grid to complete level.Left clicking on a grid position toggles the light it also toggles the state of the lights to the top,left,right and down.

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  • My project has suddenly started playing up.In the layout editor it will no longer allow me to add anymore objects.If I try to add an object I can click on say sprite the crosshair appears as normal but when I click to position it in the layout nothing happens.Any ideas?

  • Thanks for the quick reply .In my game I have a sprite which is not in the family.This sprite can cover 4 of the 9 family objects.I check if the non family sprite is overlapping the family sprites.I then want to set a variable called "selected" for each of the covered sprites to 1 so that I can perform actions on only the covered sprites.I hope I have explained clearly enough.

  • If I have several different objects grouped together as a family,is it the case I only have to give say a private variable to one of the objects within that family and the rest of the family group also have that variable?

  • If you have several objects in a scene how can you find out how many of one particular object there is at runtime?

  • Thanks.I was dragging it by the tab at the bottom and this was the problem.The side tab is not very clear.

  • It seems that you can't highlight an event in the events list and change its position in the list by dragging and dropping to a new position either up or down.For example if I make some events for moving an object and then decide I need a start of frame event this will obviously be created below the other events.How can I move the start of frame event to the top of the list.

  • Is there anyway of limiting the mouse to the current active window window?Also I want the object that is controlled by the mouse to start in the middle of the window but when I start the app it obviously jumps to the mouse position.Can anyone help with this?

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  • I have several .wav files in my game that I wish to use.How do I load and play them ?Say a bullet fires and I want to play a sound e.g(bang.wav)

  • I'm attempting to put a grid of sprites(9x9) down using a nested loop.I want the first spite to be at position x=12 y=12.

    ie create sprite sprite (loop index(loopx)*64)+12,(loop index(loopy)*64)+12

    this at the moment positions the first sprite at x=76 y=76

  • Hi.Just discovered this programme and am quite impressed.Very similar to Multimedia Fusion but better laid out.My question is can you start a loop from 0 rather than 1.