anyone plz can resolve this ?
i have dark bottom edge , how to resolve that ?
hi, i use fullscreen mode >scale outer
but it always show bottom black edge
anyone can tell why please !?
anyone has this bug ? or just me
bug when duplicated layout !!
My game was memory usage 97m in construct runtime 2 , then i just changed runtime to 3 memory usage 140 and became slower ((((((((
i tested runtime 2 and runtime 3 , for me runtime 2 is faster and uses less memory , any one has the same result ?
hi , how to fade audio in c3 ?
i use c3 runtime 3 but when i try to export to ios it show me min version 12.0+
how to choose lower ? my iphone 11.4+
in Construct 3 runtime 2, i have
System > is on platform > android , ios etc ..
i can choose android or ios
in Construct 3 runtime 3 , i can not find this
any one can help plz
i solved , thank you
switch sampling to > linear
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
hi , my game 8mb , performance very slow
how can do it faster ? plz help
it not work with runtime c3 (((((((((((((
thank u very much
hi, i make memory game with multy levels
but i have problem with lock or unlock
i put from 1 to 10 in layer
11 to 20 in second layer etc ...
i want to make when layer is invisible and deactivate it
any one can help plz?