Von Perkele's Forum Posts

  • Could you upload the file.

  • Regarding a giant stretched out sprite vs a tiled background, I don't know which is better. I suppose the best way to know would be to test it yourself

    You can accomplish a changing bg color with only one TiledBackground

    1. Import an image file to use for your Tiled Background (Files > Import files)

    2. Use Load Image from URL and enter the file name

    This will let you swap out the TiledBackground's image


    I didn't notice much difference between stretched 1x1 pixel sprite and tiled bg.

    Regarding your method of changing background color, how would you automate it to go well with conditions? With animation frames it's very easy to always set the correct frame if you put all the frames in right order, like if each biome has 4 seasons then biome 0 has frames 0-3 and if you want to set the color to biome 0 season 3 then you set the animation frame = biome_number*4 + season_number, so you need to only use one condition that always sets the correct image color.

  • Hi,

    Assuming there is a lot going on in the viewport (a lot of objects with a lot of animations, quite a bit of particles etc.), are there recommended resolutions to use? If I used lower resolutions I could move a lot of the stuff going on at one time off screen and save resources (since it doesn't need to be drawn all at once). Or should the primary resolution mostly be considered on visual basis (to make pixel art look good etc.).

    Another question. If you want to make a monochrome background, is there much difference making a sprite that is size 1x1 and expanding it in the editor to fit you background vs using a tiled background? Since with sprites you can use animation frames it is very easy to make events that make the color change automatic. By for example using a condition like: change animation frame to biome_number*season_number, and then just having different one pixel sized images with the desired bg color as animation frames (and create a nice transition effect as well by creating a new color image of same size behind the old one and then fading away the top image). It makes it more complicated if you create a different tiled bg for each color. I guess that with tilemaps the same thing could maybe be done easily as well? But what is the best and simplest method?

  • Maybe set the variables like this:

    difficulty = int(score/100) (increases by 1 every 100 points)

    speed = difficulty*k*difficulty (k being a constant variable you choose for the speed and difficulty being the multiplier).

  • I tested that weather project. I liked the snow and tornado effects.

    Could you tell me why some of the sprites were so big? Raindrop was size 400 x 400. But you make it such a small object in the play field. Isn't it bad performance wise to resize a huge object into such small scale and then spawn so many of them?

  • dazedangels

    I don't know how tagging works :)

    You mean X, Y and Z are different obstacles?

    If you want to use a "high score" variable as a determining factor you could do it kind of like you described.

    For example:

    Set SpawnX probability to: action: highscore < 100? 0.5 : 1. (if high score is under 100, spawn 50 % of the time, otherwise 100 %).

    SpawnY probability = clamp( highscore / 1000, 0, 1). (SpawnY probability gradually increases until its 100 % at score of 1000).

    SpawnZ probability = clamp( (highscore - 300)/50, 0, 1). (SpawnZ only spawns after score of 300, probability gradually increases and has 100 % probability of spawning after score 350).

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  • Thanks,

    It will be interesting to see the card game if you finish it.

  • Ok thanks.

  • You can see from my code that the conditions set crop_ratio to crop_ratio_new as a last thing when the cropping function finishes, so the values are actually most of the time exactly the same, and only differ when the whole card cropping process is activated by setting a new crop_new value. When cards are spawned both values are also same (0).

    But your post did give me the idea so I DID find a solution to the problem that doesn't require any extra variables or other shifty weirdness. It was probably a picking issue since shifting the "for each" condition around fixes it.

    I still don't really know why exactly it didn't work the way I wanted in the first place, but I assume the whole condition needs to be checked specifically for each card. But at least now it works with minimal code and looks clean. Here's the final version:


  • One more thing thou. Are probability tables treated as global objects, so you can use a table created in one layout in any other layout? And can you destroy old tables so they won't take up memory? I was thinking about creating these 3 tables at the beginning of each layout based on the specific layout conditions, but at the beginning of next layout the old tables become obsolete...

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  • Thanks. Damn again something so obvious...

  • Hi,

    Yeah that does fix the issue. I just don't understand what is causing the issue in the first place, and that's what is really annoying me. It just should work without any new conditions as it is...

  • One way to do it is having a different object or object animation frame for all weapons (or weapon + player arms holding the weapon or whatever makes most visual sense in your case) and pin that object to the player. Another way is to animate the whole player character with the different weapons.

    Or if you mean how to change animations when picking up weapon, than just set up a condition "player is overlapping weapon => change player animation (insert animation name).

    You could upload you project here if you want more specific help..

  • Two things.

    I mentioned this before. In this project you are using an image that had a size of 1280 x 400 or something. That is insanely costly performance and memory usage wise. I changed the image size to something like 90 x 300 or something. Notice there is no loss of graphical detail since it's simple pixel art? Yet it's 18 times more efficient performance and memory usage wise (yes, you can do the math: (1280*400)/(90*300)). You can simply resize smaller images in the editor to make them appear larger instead of having the actual image size be unnecessary big.

    The BG imagepoint Y is set to 0. Since it's scrolling downwards, it should change position when it reaches viewport bottom. Like this:
