Viet31781's Forum Posts

  • Whoa, I like this game, the atmosphere is great and the visual is very well-made, the characters are cute, too :)! Keep this up bro!

  • Very impressive! You are doing some great work on this!

    Thank you very much, Commander, for your support, I am trying my best to complete this game!

  • > I'm currently working on Everworld Island for Steam, FB Instant Games etc. :




    > With Construct 2, this game was not possible (too slow), but with Construct 3 Runtime, it's fast enough :)


    > More Info:

    I like the logo very much. It's excellent artwork. But I feel it doesn't reflect the game well enough since the game itself looks more.. pixelated. If you truly want to reflect the game and drive the right audience I would personally also pixelate the logo as much as your game is.

    But that's just my opinion :)

    Best of luck..!

    So true Rudi! Always love to hear your opinion about game design :)

  • Salute Commanders,

    Today I would like to share some information about The Titan main firepower:

    Pros: Devastating damage, very high fire rate.

    Cons: Very slow rotating speed, short-range

    *Unlock: Tier 1


    *Special upgrade:

    Stand up and Fight!

    Tankidium Soldier

  • Very dynamic game :), keep it up bro!

  • > I tried to contact the author for an update but they are active no more.

    Well if he doesn't reply anymore there's not much you can do, I think.

    Perhaps you could try the email address listed on his/their website; (under Contact).

    Let's reference him who knows he'll pick it up; Toby R

    All the best!

    Thank you for your help, I will try to contact them once more and frankly, I think C3 should really have something like MM_preloader built-in.

    Best day to you!

  • Kyatric Thank you for your information, I will try once more, MM-preloader is a great plugin, and frankly, C3 should have something like that integrated into. I try "memory management" also, but the game still occasionally laggy, it can not work like MM_preloader :(

    dop2000 Thank you, you are right, it is still not an MM_preloader alternative!

    OhhBaby you are right :(

  • This is the game I am working on:

    The game is big with a lot of high-resolution images, firstly, I made this game by Construct 2, then I bought MM_preloader, that helped the game run very smoothly

    But then I move to Construct 3 and MM_Preloader did not support the latest engine anymore, I tried to contact the author for an update but they are active no more. Do you all have any solution for this? An alternative?

    Thank you all very much, in advance!


  • Try Construct 3

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  • That game certainly looks great.

    I'm more into 'real world' themed games myself but it looks great nevertheless.

    One thing I noticed was the audio quality and lag in the video. I'm sure you noticed the lag. The audio quality could be better. Also for me it's a bit of a chaotic game but that's just me.

    Anyway compliments for working on it for that long. And adding two, maybe three more years to it! That's real dedication.

    Have you published games before?

    Thank you very much for your compliments and constructive comments!

    *For the Audio and Lag problems, you are absolutely right! You hit at the right spot! These problems really bother me much. Firstly, I made this game by Construct 2, then I bought MM_preloader, that helped the game run very smoothly

    But then I move to Construct 3 and MM_Preloader did not support the latest engine anymore, I tried to contact the author for an update but they are active no more. do you have any suggestion for me to solve this problem? About audio, you are right, I think it is too much right now, I will adjust it in the future!

    * About chaotic aspect of the game, I have to admit I want that:), I somehow want the fighting mechanics like Diablo - very fast-paced and brutal, sound strange but that's what I keep in my mind :)))

    * I have never published any game before, in the past, I even did not think that I can make a game cause I don't know how to program but thanks to Construct, now I can do it:). I started this game from scratch and in the process, I have learned many interesting things, but far from enough though. I know maybe I am too ambitious with this game but I somehow still want to test my limit.

    Again, thank you very much and have a nice weekend!

    Tankidium Soldier

  • Looks good, I want to see the drones in action. Do they circle the tank or do they have more intelligent behavior?

    Thank you, Mikal

    Basically, if there are no enemies in line of sight, they follow the tank, if there are, they will be more active. Every drone has the fighting ability, some can counter air units, some can counter land unit only, even there is one that can shoot incoming missiles.

    Even though, drones are divided into 3 groups:

    1. Offense

    2. Defense

    3. Support

    While Special Forces have immense power but last only for short duration, Drones is permanent!

    Nice weekend

    Tankidium Soldier

  • Tech Demo:

    • Military Projecition
    • Easystar tilemap pathfinding (w/ dynamic tilemap load on floor change.)
    • NPC AI using pathfinding also.
    • Z sort done with Y compare point and setting Z elevation to small fractional value.
    • Static objects only sort once at start for layout.
    • Dynamic objects (Player/NPC) sort every tick.
    • Using a small sample of Psychic Toaster's nice tile set for their game. by Magistross and ported to C3 by Eren

    Cool behavior!

  • Salute Commanders,

    Drones system activated:

    Stand up and Fight!

    Tankidium Soldier

  • Salute Commanders,

    It's time for Special Forces:

    Stand up and Fight!

    Tankidium Soldier

  • Salute Commanders,

    Today I would like to share the commanding Overlord (SS -350) intelligence:

    Stand up and Fight!

    Tankidium Soldier

  • Salute Commanders,

    Today is the day of the deadly Scorpion (SS -313) intelligence:

    Stand up and Fight!

    Tankidium Soldier