Valerien's Forum Posts

  • DUTOIT : ! Now I've got to find a way to offer valuable content in less time! Thankfully with AI, I can cover examples in capx and video rather than long, sometimes boring text.

    Finally, here's my first tutorial on AI programming... with Finite State Machines (FSMs) ! Those are one of the easiest ways to manage not only your AI, but also many parts of your games. rexrainbow made a few very useful plugins especially for that: a global FSM and a behavior-based FSM. There is even a specific plugin for menus!

    Anyway, I'll add the tutorial to the repository of Scirra tutorials ASAP. Until then, please tell me if there are specific AI examples you'd like me to cover? I believe that AI is better learned by seeing and tweaking code directly.

    Cheers everyone,


  • Thanks !

    I have a client at the moment, this was sort of unexpected. Thus, I have to delay today's tutorial exceptionally. It's partly written already, but I have (fortunately!) more work than I can handle at the moment!

    Sorry for that, it'll be out on next Tuesday.

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  • rexrainbow : thanks, I checked this out. I try to focus tutorials on the core functionality of Construct at the moment. But as time passes by, I'll most likely be covering a few plugins (and many of yours are really useful). I already plan on showcasing the FSM plugin for the FSM tutorial, as managing enter and exit states in an elegant way isn't trivial with plain events.

  • rexrainbow : it's really great! It makes the process of creating an FSM-based AI much simpler in C2. Thanks much! Gotta get a better hang of FSMs, but I guess I'll use it in an upcoming AI tutorial

  • Sounds interesting! Do you have a detailed production plan for your e-zine already?



  • Tetriser : put tweening everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Breaking blocks with particles that bounce on the walls, appearing animations, flash the ball when it hits something, move and break the walls when the ball hits them... with some electro/Drum'n bass music! I've started a tut/example capx just for that, but in the meantime you can check

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    (using breakout as an example).
  • Hello everyone! I just released the second part of the Interview with the senior concept artist Adam Duff! This one contains insights and advice for aspiring professional artists!

    I'm working on a primer article about AI for Tuesday. Anything specific you'd like me to cover over the following weeks? It will mostly be intermediate level material, as construct offers a lot of easy to use tools to base solid AI on (pathfinding, Line of Sight...).

  • ome6a1717 : thanks! I'm glad your issue could be solved.

  • ome6a1717 : is the pixel rounding option on in your project? It causes the objects to only be rendered at integer positions.

  • johnrazor : design teams and sound designers who team up generally establish and share a common language to base their discussions on. I've read the analysis functionality in construct 2 had issues. A knowledgeable member around here has done an app that uses it, at least on Construct classic. Can't remember his pseudo though.

  • ome6a1717, this is due to the fact that with the lerp, your camera keeps moving: on each and every tick, it will target a position that's between its current position and the player's position. You can use the moveTo behavior, or a tween behavior to easily solve that. Otherwise, you will need either a different or a more elaborate system to move your camera. For example :

    local variable posX, local variable posY
    posX = Set position to lerp(Camera.X, Player.X, 3*dt), posY = lerp(Camera.Y, Player.Y, 5*dt)
    if(position X < 3) Camera, set X to Self.X + 3
    else set X to posX
    if(position Y < 3) Camera, set Y to Self.Y + 3
    else set Y to posY [/code:75y8x6ac]
    It isn't very elegant, but it works and extends your lerp operation. I personally use a lerp ratio that varies depending on the position of the camera relative to the main character or element of focus.
  • johnrazor : FMOD is an expensive piece of middleware and a low level sound API which doesn't work with html5. It's mainly used by big studios. Although it's free for indie designer, you still have to request a per-project licence, and it's dependent on your actual budget (in other words, you need to be incorporated, I believe).

    To sum things up: it cannot be integrated directly into c2.

  • Sure, leomachado666, I understand. There have been similar suggestions in the past though, so I don't know if either Ashley or Tom are aware of that, or if it is not feasible/they don't want to do it? Anyway, I guess someone could decide to translate the manual independently. There is little need to translate the software (there are but a few words, and the methods/expressions are fixed).

  • Thank you stemkoski ! I'll be sure to keep the flow going !

    So, my latest two articles are a bit different from the very specific Construct 2 tutorials that came before them. Today, I released a summary of the "Marketing indie games on a 0$ budget" talk from Emmy Jonassen.

    I also had the chance to do a detailed interview of the senior visual storyteller Adam Duff. The second part of it will be out on 08/07 (on Thursday), and will contain many pieces of advice for aspiring artists.

    I don't know if I can add this kind of content to the tutorial section, but I thought it would be of interest for a lot of people around here. It also gave me some room to do a bit of research about AI, which will finally come next Tuesday!

  • It's not a very good idea to have the software and community split among multiple languages. I understand that some people may not speak english already, but most programming resources and even programming languages themselves are based on the english language. I'd rather recommend native spanish speakers to learn the basics of english using duolingo (it's entirely free!). They'll need it anyway if they want to interact with others here on the forums or read the oh-so-important manual.