Vaank's Forum Posts

  • The problem is that every object inside the family has his own health(,, and so on), so I cant just substract from the family

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Let's say there are 2 or 3 kind of baddies: enemy1, enemy2, etc all of them inside a family called Enemies, and each enemy have his own health different from each other as instance variable, then there is a bullet or fireball or something that hits the enemy and deals X dmg

    How do I substract the bullet damage from the enemy health? Do I need to do it manually? I mean bullet on collision with sprite (and do it for each enemy I design) instead of doing it by comparing the UID of the family, or something like that:

    Pick enemies.UID --- substract bullet.damage from picked

    As you can see, I'm not very familiar with UIDs and I cant find something that fits to the case (maybe it does not exists)

    Thanks and exuse if i'm asking for something really dumb

  • Another game made 100% by me (except for the music) in about 1 week of "soft-work"

    With these three shitty-games I made in the last weeks I find myself more confident with Construct and html5 (I learned ALL I know about game making, drawing, animation and coding in this time, before than that I knew nothing,(0 courses or university) so I invite everybody to start learning how to make videogames, because this is able, and more than that, you can do it by yourself thanks to Construct 2!!! So now I feel prepared to engage a bigger game in a longer period, just some learning about arrays and loops and I'm done! Kratos bless you Scirra team and C2 community, who helped me A LOT through forums and tutorials!

    About the new game I made: this is another bullsh...t and many things can be improved but i'm happy with the end result, totally worth it with the time I spent on that. I made these games mainly to build the necessary foundations to make my own videogames. And as always, tips and advices are welcome!

    The only big issue I find is the first time you play the game, there are low fps until the first ad is shown (with and without preload ad activated) Help on that would be appreciated.

    Thanks again to everybody and I hope we will see eachother for a looong time


  • Tested on Nexus 7, it runs ok, maybe it need some more power to launch the ball higher, and found a bug: the third ball on my first game just started from the begining and then came back to the start point, where the ball is charged, and lost 1 ball

    Good work by the way, keep going

  • I have not managed it at all haha, its just the Letterbox Scale option, so this is authomatic

  • bumpy bumpy?

  • Hi there,

    I know this is not the place to post it but I cant find it anywhere

    I know clicking an ad makes revenue, not just for showing it, but does it works the same way with interstitials videos? I mean, do I get paid if the players watch the FULL video? or do they need to click on it?

    I have seen many games with this feature, earn coins or whatever by watching the full video


  • Here is my new game! made in (obviously) Construct 2 in about 2 days.

    This is a stupid, funny and simple game to just play casually. The squared rope was the only way I had to make it, all ideas about the design are welcome! ... nk.skipper

    Hope you enjoy!

  • My first game (very basic but proud of it, because of 0 coding knowledge ^^') made 100% by me except sounds

    Hope you like it! And thanks to Scirra for giving me this oportunity!

    Any tip or improvement you can give me is always welcome!


  • Bump

  • the player is the white circle, who is supposed to go throught the black sprite verticaly but when I draw a line between two black sprites and the player collides with the line, the player changes his angle and follows the line, and then back to the black sprite angle to go up again.

    The matter is that in android devices (where the game runs not as fast as in computer) sometimes the player ignores the line and keep going upward (I suppose its because of a little "lag jump")

    Any way to fix it? I think by increasing line.width...

    Thanks again and excuse my english

  • that's the problem, I can not create too many sprites because of the performance

  • Hi all!

    I wonder how do I create a Sprite at a minimum distance of another one, I have a vertical sprite where the smaller sprites should be created (so same X for all of them but different Y) and they need to be at a minimum of 100px (or some) in Y axis

    I tried creating an invisible sprite at imagepoint 0 to make an "aura" where the next sprite cant be placed, but when i have to many sprites in an android device it lags a lot


  • If you are still there or someone else can answer: (excuse my english)

    Can customers view your personal data? in google merchant you must register, for example, contact name, bussiness address, phone number, etc.

    I have no registered bussiness, so this is the first game I develop.

    Can I register with my personal info and still be safe?
