Uriel1339's Forum Posts

  • Hey rexrainbow first of all - thanks a lot for all of your awesome plugins. I am using this CSV tool at the moment to generate a dynamic dialog across the game and it works fabulous after roughly 2 days of working into it. Anyhow. I am using variable names within the CSV but instead of accessing the C2 global variable I declared, it just puts it in text. Any idea what I can do to actually have it use the C2 variable, for example 'firstname' in the csv should become the actual firstname that the player did put in at the very start of the game through a text input.

    Any help is appreciated and please keep your awesome work up!


    Andreas Lopez aka Uriel1339

  • Message sent.

    I sent you a message

    I replied to you both. Thank you for your interest and time.

  • Uriel1339

    > This error still persists. I cannot edit my own Tutorial:

    > https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/5037/h ... ible-parts


    This is not the same error.

    The tutorial section has been temporarily disabled while Tom investigates a large spam attack from this morning.

    As it is the weekend, it will likely not be re-activated for several days.

    Thanks for the quick response.

  • Edit: 4/12/2016 - We found our candidate! Thanks to all applicants for their time and interest.

    Hello Construct 2 Forum and interested applicant!

    my name is Andreas Lopez, on the worldwide web also known as 'Uriel1339'. A friend and I recently formed a start-up group to make games, we are making these in a modified version of 'One Game Per Month Challenge', so it is in reality 6 weeks consisting out of:

    • 1 Week Pre-Production (Research, Concept, Planning, etc.)
    • 4 Weeks Production (Making the assets, programming the game, publishing the game, etc.)
    • 1 Week Post-Production (Post Mortem document, Marketing, etc.)

    We fully intend to make commercial projects, not just games for fun and we set this 6-week challenge onto ourselves to get a realistic feel for the Game Industry as we intend our projects to become part of our portfolios and first steps into the professional portion of the industry. As a team we are working at the moment on our first project. However we are recruiting in fact for the future projects, so everyone that applies would be considered for the next project starting in Mid-May. While it is our first project as a team, I already developed one game named Space Marauder with Construct 2 and published it on Scirra Arcade and a few other sites.

    Compensation through revenue share will be discussed once the team is fully assembled.

    We are currently:

    • 1 Game Designer / Artist / Programmer - Uriel1339 (I do a bit of everything, and also a full-time webmaster for once we have a website)
    • 1 Writer / World Builder - WanderingJester (He does all the writing, story concepts, etc.)
    • 1 Sound Producer - Squijid (She does all the sound-related stuff)

    And we are looking for:

    1 Additional Construct 2 Programmer - Requirements as follows:

    • Personal License of C2
    • Skype (Text-chat is required on a frequent base to keep everyone up-to-date with progress)
    • Willingness to learn and/or teach depending on own skill level and knowledge
    • Frequent Communication
    • Problem-solving skills and able to work independently
    • Published Games a plus
    • Published Tutorials a plus

    1 2D Artist - Requirements are as follows:

    • Sprite Animation Skills
    • Send some work examples via E-Mail or PM on this forum
    • Skype (Text-chat is required on a frequent base to keep everyone up-to-date with progress)
    • Frequent Communication
    • Capability to make top-down and sideway Sprites
    • Construct 2 Personal License not required
    • Published Assets a plus

    If you have any questions feel free to reply in this thread or message me directly.

  • This error still persists. I cannot edit my own Tutorial:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/5037/h ... ible-parts

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  • This was before we had the drag and drop behavior.

    I was looking around and did not see that, well I guess I know what I will be using today! Thank you very much!

  • Wanted to use this, but the drop box links are broken

  • Here's a one-event version!

    Making a game where this is the main mechanic, thank you so much for posting that capx file. I was fearing that it would take soooo much production time to get it right and such a simple command! Would have never thought of it - thank you so much!

  • Is this okay to be used for unlimited commercial projects, or just a single one?