Tyler3327's Forum Posts

  • Okay, I'm not 100% sure what your asking but ill do my best to help you. If you want these objects to be the same object with different values/properties make sure you're not duplicating them and instead you are either copy and pasting them or holding ctrl after highlighting and dragging to add another you'll know the difference in the panel on the right you should see for example enemy1. but if you see enemy1 enemy2 enemy3 etc you're doing it incorrectly. Can you be more specific about what you need, please?

  • I've noticed this issue also occurs on a remote preview to a mobile device but if I log into construct 3 editor and play directly from my phone no issue. Even stranger only a few certain audio files are doing it. One is a truck engine the other is wind chimes and the last one is a low rumble noise. I tried lowering and raising the decibels of the audio to no avail. I'm wondering if its something to do with the audio file its self but at the same time, that seems redundant seeing as it works fine on pc even after export. But then again the export has no problem with any of the other sound effects or music.

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  • I solved the issue I had Xbox live object inserted in my project with the correct information but that's what was causing it I removed it not it works fine.

  • Has anyone had this issue? This might be the problem but it gave me this error first. <TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Universal" MinVersion="10.0.10042.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.10042.0" /> It said both of those versions were incorrect. So I copied those version numbers from the output of visual studio now it runs but prompts me with the error saying my version of chrome or edge browser is out of date. Just to clarify both are the latest versions. Also WebGL is enabled. When I exported it I left the SDK version as whatever it was set to because I have to clue what mine is or how to find it. Any help is appreciated.

  • I think this would be an awesome platform for construct games if your building a fairly massive game not a simple 15 level or click to jump game. If that's the case I wouldn't waste time developing for it. Now if your planning a massive full rpg game now that could be beneficial. I dont think Ashley and the team at construct should worry about implementing the export for this device unless it takes off in a big way your probably wasting your time. Companies have developed Google consoles in the past I think one was called Ouya and it never worked. People always tend to go back to what they know xbox PC ps4 etc. Waiting to see what happens is the best thing.

  • Sorry yes I meant "Adjust HSL" and thank you for the response Ashley. I did test it just for fun and yes there is absolutely no noticeable difference unless you consider 0.1% of CPU a big change I dont, and that was with testing multiple sprites using the effects both fairly large and small sprites. I'm in the final testing stages of my game and I just want to cover all my bases and now I realize how little CPU it actually uses amazes me but I never tested it prior.

  • What is the difference in performance between using set hsl vs using the newer built in set color feature from 2017. I'm curious but my bet is set color is using less performance but I'm not sure. I'm using this to set character skin tone and clothing colors both work the same I dont need the saturation and lighting is hsl?

  • So I've taken the multiplayer shooter example provided by construct 3 and modified the room size but the screen doesnt follow each player it only follows the host how do I make it so each person's screen follows them. Just to clarify online multiplayer not local multiplayer.I know you can use the canvas plugin for local splitscreen.

  • If you remove verticals from the path finding they will move in a grid like fashion under behaviors there is grid movement give the guards that behavior. There are some youtube videos on grid movement for construct 2 for enemy ai grid movement it depends how you want your enemies to move patrol a path or random.

    Sorry the behaviors official name is tile movement.

  • Test when your player is moving not sure what method of input your using but you could create a variable and when you are moving for example keyboard w is down add sub event trigger once set value player moving to 1 then test if player moving is = to 1 on the enemy use path finding or whatever system you have in place then on w released same thing add sub event trigger once set player moving to 0


    Add variable: player moving=0

    Set enemy pathfinding diagnols off so guards only move up and down

    W is down:

    Trigger once while true: set player moving =1

    W released:

    Trigger once while true: set player moving =0

    Player moving =1 : guard find path to

    Trigger once wherever. X .y

    Guard On path found:Move along path

    Player moving =0 Guard pathfinding stop

    Trigger once

    Note you could also do this with out the variable by searching for path when w is down trigger once in sub bracket

    Then on w release stop enemy path finding.

  • I'm exporting my game to windows and xbox 1 I've found plenty of tutorials on android iap but I cant seem to find one for windows store. Currently I have

    Is on windows

    On start of layout: request store listing

    On touched buy prime

    Doesnt have product: Purchase product

    On purchase succesful: thank you for buying prime

    On purchase fail: an error has occurred please go back and try again

    Thank you

  • As the title says is there a way to change the speed at which the layout angle rotates I currently have set every tick set layout angle player.angle.

    Thank you

  • Darn I had a feeling that there was no way to do it thank you for your help I appreciate it.

  • PiNkIe Okay so that sets all items in the list to the color blue what I had in mind was this when I start a quest I want the text to change from black to white so the player knows they started it I cant have all of them turn the same color just that single item on the list should change colors so item 1 could be white item 2 could be green simultaneously. I hope this helps thank you!

    Ps. I would imagine it's just set css style under actions I just dont know what to put in box 1 and 2 also I'm using variables to check quest status.

  • I'm trying to use the list box and I cant seem to figure out how to make it so say you have 3 items I want item 1 text to be blue item 2 to be green and item 3 to be white I can change all of the texts color by set "color" "red" if you have ever played runescape the quests appear white and once completed appear green this is what I'm trying to achieve I hope this helps! Thank you so much any help is apreciated!